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Week of 3/10: System status NORMAL. To check individual assets and information, visit and/or the Environmental Sensor Map.



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Improving an Ocean Acidification Observation Syste...

The decrease in calcium carbonate saturation state from is important to Pacific Northwest shellfish living in conditions that are naturally close to harmful saturation thresholds.  Anthropogenic additions of carbon dioxide ...

Ocean Acidification

Acid eats away at calcium carbonate, the primary ingredient of shells and skeletons that many ocean animals depend on for survival. The shell pictured here is a victim of this ...

OTT - A Real-time Sensor System for Detecting Free...

There is considerable interest in the offshore exploration, and possible development, of hydrocarbon resources in Alaska’s Chukchi and Beaufort shelf seas. Drilling activity can only proceed during the open water ...

Pacific Ocean Acidification Project

Shellfish play a vital role in the environment, culture, and economy in many U.S. coastal communities. The shellfish aquaculture community is the largest segment of marine aquaculture in the United ...

Underwater Gliders

Gliders are a unique and important observing system used to serve a variety of subsurface observing missions. Gliders can monitor water currents, temperature, tagged animals and conditions that reveal effects ...


Biden-Harris Administration identifies 4 business ...

Concept of smart buoys gathering ocean data. Ocean and Great Lakes data and information are essential for weather forecasting, ocean commerce, recreation, and more — things that affect the entire ...

Biden-Harris Administration invests $101.5 million...

Ocean observations provide critical data and information that we rely on — like weather forecasts and water quality information. Maritime industries, like this aquaculture farm, need timely, high-quality ocean, coastal ...

Biden-Harris Administration invests $3.9 million f...

Storm rolls in over Daytona Beach, Florida. Credit: NOAA Today, the Department of Commerce and NOAA announced $3.9 million in awards to help small businesses improve climate resilience in communities ...

Celebrate World Ocean Day!

A pelican looks out over the ocean in the Marquesas Islands. Photo Credit: Lieutenant Rebecca Waddington, NOAA Corps Did you know that Earth's oceans are really just one big, world ...

CeNCOOS Governing Council Meeting: Tiburon

The Romberg Tiburon Center for Environment Studies hosted the governing council meeting. The Center was established in 1978 by Paul F. Romberg, then President of San Francisco State University, on ...

Challenger Mission Continues World Tour in Indian ...

Challenger mission glider launch, Fremantle, Australia. Photo Credit: Charitha Pattiaratchi Bright and early November 7, 2016, the bright yellow RU-29 Slocum glider, dubbed "Challenger," headed out to sea once more, ...

DOE and NOAA Announce Winners of Ocean Observing P...

Team Wave Powered Oceanographic Gliders tests their early-stage prototype at the Naval Surface Warfare Center’s facility in Carderock, Maryland. Credit: NREL The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Oceanic ...

Expanding the Respiratory Forecast for the Gulf Co...

The GCOOS Red Tide Respiratory Forecast provides information on when the red tide caused by Karenia brevis could be impacting area beaches so that people who are susceptible to its ...

Exploring the Ocean with the Power of Waves

TAO buoy operations off the NOAA Ship Ka'imimoana. Electronics technician checking sensors on newly moored buoy. (Photographer: Lieutenant Commander Matthew Wingate, NOAA Corps.) The value of collecting ocean data is ...

General Pages

Enhancing Coastal and Ocean Observing and Innovati...

In 2020, NOAA’s and the U.S. IOOS Office teamed up to develop and host three regional workshops focused on improving users’ access to streamlined ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes observational ...

Eyes on the Storm: Hurricane Season Resources

For forecasts, warnings, and up to the minute hurricane information, keep up with NOAA's . GOES East GeoColor satellite image of the Atlantic Ocean on September 11, 2018 showing Hurricanes ...

U.S. IOOS priorities under the Inflation Reduction...

Photo credit: NOAA NOAA has a key role to play in helping prepare and support our nation as we face the challenges of a changing climate. These funds, in concert ...
Query time: 0.01 secs

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U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
1315 East-West Highway 2nd Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910

(240) 533-9444

Website Owner: National Ocean Service  |  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  |  Department of Commerce  |

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