Week of 6/2: System status NORMAL. To check individual assets and information, visit ioos.us and/or the Environmental Sensor Map.



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View Results


Marine Life: An Operational BioTrack: Monitoring A...

This project will expand , a collaborative network established in partnership with MBON and ATN to identify and characterize critical biodiversity hotspots along the U.S. eastern seaboard where threatened marine ...

Ocean Acidification

Acid eats away at calcium carbonate, the primary ingredient of shells and skeletons that many ocean animals depend on for survival. The shell pictured here is a victim of this ...

OTT: A Proposal to Scale from a Regional to a Nati...

WebCOOS camera view down 6th Avenue Beachfront in Folly Beach, SC. Photo credit: WebCOOS Over the past five years, the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA) and partners have ...


Expanding the Respiratory Forecast for the Gulf Co...

The GCOOS Red Tide Respiratory Forecast provides information on when the red tide caused by Karenia brevis could be impacting area beaches so that people who are susceptible to its ...

Highlights From 2015 SECOORA Annual Board and Stak...

The held its annual spring board and stakeholder meeting May 19-20 in Jacksonville, FL. 60 stakeholders hailing from regional universities, local and federal government bodies, nonprofits, and private industry gathered ...

IOOS Awards $31m for ocean observing

U.S. IOOS is proud to announce the awarding of over $31 million in grants to support ocean, coastal and Great Lakes observing efforts throughout the United States, Caribbean and Pacific ...

IOOS Ocean Technology Transition Project: Six new ...

For 2020, IOOS, in conjunction with the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), sought projects focused on regional coastal ocean observing systems and advancing data management and cyberinfrastructure for observations. ...

NOAA Awards $15.2M for Harmful Algal Bloom Researc...

One of Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute's (MBARI) long-range autonomous underwater vehicles (LRAUV) makes its way through the green, algae-rich waters of Lake Erie to track the 2019 harmful algal ...

NOAA awards $41 million for ocean observing

A joint deployment of an environmental sensor processor off the Washington coast by NOAA and the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems, one of the certified IOOS regional associations ...

NOAA partners receive $14 million to enhance ocean...

Students from Rutgers University’s Masters in Operational Oceanography program installing a high-frequency radar antenna at Sandy Hook, NJ. This radar is part of the national high-frequency radar network in the ...

General Pages

Enhancing Coastal and Ocean Observing and Innovati...

In 2020, NOAA’s and the U.S. IOOS Office teamed up to develop and host three regional workshops focused on improving users’ access to streamlined ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes observational ...

Eyes on the Storm: Hurricane Season Resources

For forecasts, warnings, and up to the minute hurricane information, keep up with NOAA's . GOES East GeoColor satellite image of the Atlantic Ocean on September 11, 2018 showing Hurricanes ...

FY21 Regional Association Cooperative Agreements

In 2021, the U.S. IOOS® Office is announcing its third round of 5-year Regional Association cooperative agreements. The Regional Associations form a core part of implementing the U.S. Integrated Ocean ...

Regions at a glance

Executive Director: Sheyna Wisdom For general information, please contact , Director of Administration and Outreach • • Executive Director: Julio Morell For general information, please contact • and • Executive ...
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U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
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