Week of 6/2: System status NORMAL. To check individual assets and information, visit ioos.us and/or the Environmental Sensor Map.



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OTT - Building Coupled Storm Surge and Wave Operat...

Ice coverage at peak surge in the model domain for November 2011 (left), February 2011 (middle) and January 2017 (right). was awarded a three-year grant for Building Coupled Storm Surge ...

OTT - Data Integration and Web-based Model Validat...

The University of Delaware and MARACOOS were awarded a three-year grant to support Data Integration and Web-based Model Validation Tool for NOAA CO-OPS. The project will transition a data management ...

OTT - Detecting Harmful Algal Blooms in the Pacifi...

Shellfish contamination from harmful algal blooms (HABs) is both costly and a significant health risk to coastal communities. Blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia can produce the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). DA can ...

OTT - Gulf of Maine Environmental Sensor Processor...

The Environmental Sample Processor (ESP), developed by Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), is a biological sensor capable of detecting harmful algal bloom (HAB) species and their related toxins in ...

OTT - HABs and Hypoxia

A clean, safe water supply is one of our Nation’s great natural resources, and keeping it that way requires a well-integrated system of monitoring coastal waters, estuaries, rivers, streams and ...

OTT - Imaging Flow CytoBot Data Integration

San Francisco Bay has long been recognized as a nutrient-enriched estuary, but one that has exhibited resistance to some of the classic symptoms of nutrient over-enrichment, such as high phytoplankton ...

OTT - Ocean Acidification

The ocean chemistry of the seawater is rapidly changing in a process known as ocean acidification. These changes in seawater chemistry affect animal growth, survival and behavior, and they are ...

OTT - Operational Nutrient Observatory for the Nor...

Coastal and offshore shelf waters of the Northeast United States are seeing fluctuations in the levels of dissolved inorganic nutrients, driven principally by human caused nutrient loading near shore and ...

OTT - Operationalizing Real-Time Telemetry Onboard...

Two of the participants in the project. Rob is standing next to the computer display screen that shows the temperature data when they hall the trap with the temperature probe ...

OTT - Physical Earth Observations

The ability to observe physical oceanographic variables such as sea surface currents, temperature, salinity, external and internal tides, and surface waves support a vast array of stakeholders and missions, including ...


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