Bi-Weekly IOOS® Z-Gram – 30 September 2016


ZGram picThe Z-Gram is an informal way of keeping you up-to-date on US IOOS® activities. Pass it on! Please reply with an e-mail with additional addresses or if you no longer want to receive the Z-Gram. Previous Updates


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From the U.S. IOOS Office:

Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:

  • HF Radar/Radio (IOOS national coordinator, Jack Harlan;
    • IOOS Program Office will begin regular quarterly telecons on HFR topics of national interest in Q1 FY2017.  Announcements will be sent to the HFR community and others.
    • BOEM has awarded a 2-year contract to CODAR Ocean Sensors to study Wind Turbine Impact and Mitigation with respect to HFR.  The study will investigate the extent of offshore wind turbine impact and methods of mitigating those impacts for oceanographic HF radar, in general.
    • CODAR Ocean Sensors is holding their Fall training 5-9 December at their Mountain View, California offices.
  • NERACOOS - New Wave Buoy in Cape Cod Bay: A new high-tech wave-monitoring buoy, supported by state and federal agencies, was deployed in Cape Cod Bay.  The buoy provides sea-state information to improve safety and efficiency of marine transportation.   The buoy measures wave height, wave period, wave direction and surface water temperature every 30 minutes. Real-time observations from the buoy are available on several websites, including the NERACOOS buoy map, the Cape Cod PORTS page, the CDIP website, and the National Data Buoy Center’s website, and it will eventually be available on many boating and buoy websites and apps.

Data Management and Communications (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data (DMAC list serve – contact Derrick or Rob -,

  • Catalog Update:  IOOS and ASA released the Catalog Harvest Registry, the primary web-interface for RAs and other IOOS data providers to register ISO 19115-compliant metadata for inclusion in the IOOS Catalog on 9/30.  The Harvest Registry acts as a broker between RA-hosted web accessible folders (WAFs) of metadata and the CKAN-based IOOS Data Catalog (  It will perform validation of metadata for conformance with the ISO 19115 schema required by CKAN, display these results to data providers for troubleshooting, and will be extended to perform validation of additional IOOS rules for metadata content as they are developed.  The Registry allows immediate synchronization between RA WAFs and the IOOS Data Catalog, giving data providers direct and immediate control over content in the Catalog.  Preliminary documentation describing the Registry and Catalog is available on the IOOS Catalog GitHub site:  Data providers are encouraged to sign up for an account on the Registry today in order to help meet the Nov 4 goal to release the new Catalog.
  • QARTOD (National Coordinator Mark Bushnel,
    • Outreach:  Two successful sessions at MTS/IEEE Oceans ‘16!  Many thanks to the presenters and co-chairs - Julie Thomas, Jennifer Patterson, and Leila Belabbassi! We continued the push towards expanded international cooperation through discussions with Bob Houtman (NSF), Jay Pearlman (IEEE, U of Colorado), Christoph Waldmann (U of Bremen, Center for Marine Environment Sciences), and Maia Hoeberechts, Marlene Jefferies and Dilumie Abeysirigunawardena (Ocean Networks Canada).
  • ATN (National Coordinator Bill Woodward,
    • The Data Exchange Standard for Acoustic, Archival and Satellite Tags, Version 1.0 is now posted in our IOOS Github  and in MMI.
    • University of Miami supports ATN Activities: Bill reached out to Dr. Neil Hammerschlag, Director of the Shark Conservation and Research Program at the University of Miami, RSMAS, to recruit his support for our ATN activities in general and in the SECOORA Region in particular. Neil strongly supports the principles of data sharing and is excited to begin working with the ATN in the SE Region. Bill and Vembu are also connecting him up with the SECOORA Glider program which will provide additional acoustic tracking capability for his research; check out Neil's exciting website and fabulous  underwater pictures:
  • PacIOOS – Dolphin and Whale Tracks Available: PacIOOS Voyager now features additional satellite tracking data from dolphins and whales tagged off Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi, between 2013 and 2014. Robin Baird and his team from Cascadia Research Collective (CRC) provided tracks for 7 bottlenose dolphins  (TtTag008-020), 5 rough-toothed dolphins  (SbTag008-012), and 8 short-finned pilot whales (GmTag070-104). All tracks can now be viewed and animated in PacIOOS Voyager. This supplements the extensive CRC sightings data (direct human observations of species locations) already accessible through Voyager.
  • New tools from NANOOS NVS: Global, hindcast WaveWatch III monthly mean, climatology and anomaly wave fields for the period Jan 1979 - May 2016 are now available via the NANOOS Visualization System Climatology app.  These monthly views are derived from fields originally generated via the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR).
  • Collaboration with AMS: Tiffany Vance attended the AMS’ Opportunities and Needs in Integrated Water Prediction, Risk Assessment and Management for Coastal Resilience workshop - lots of good mentions of IOOS.  Doug Wilson from MARACOOS moderated a session and Marvourneen Dolor was a panelist.  Best quote of the meeting: “No one trusts a model except the modeler. Everyone trusts an observation except the observer.” (original version by the astronomer Harlow Shapley). See Twitter tag #AMSPolicy for more details from the meeting.

Modeling and Analysis Subsystem: (IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Becky Baltes,

  • No update.

Interagency and International Collaboration/News:

  • Report on U.S. Caribbean Ocean Economics: NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management (OCM) has published a report on NOAA’s Digital Coast, Describing the Ocean Economies of the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, which notes that more than 19 percent of the U.S. Virgin Islands workforce are in ocean-related jobs, as are 7 percent of Puerto Rico’s workforce. The report reveals the true dependence of U.S. Caribbean economies on the ocean and the management of ocean resources. The report findings suggest ways to estimate small islands’ ocean economies. Economic reports on ocean-dependent employment often do not include informal economic activity, such as subsistence fishermen who routinely sell part of their catch by the roadside. This is particularly problematic in the Caribbean, as so many jobs fall into these informal categories. To provide a more accurate picture of the ocean’s importance to the economy, the report includes local data to capture these sectors.
  • APEC Earth and Marine Observing Meeting: Zdenka, IOOS Office and Chris Ostrander, University of Hawaii and PacIOOS participated in a workshop on Building Regional Earth and Marine Observation Systems to Safeguard APEC Resources and Communities.  The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation comprises 21 member economies spanning four continents and represents the most economically dynamic region in the world. The goal of the workshop was to explore collaborations on how Earth observations can benefit government, industry, and community.  Zdenka presented on the United States’ open data policy and how IOOS information is used to support research and innovation through GO-AN, public goods through efficient movement of commerce and support to oil spills, and industry through support to the shellfish industry and the Ocean Enterprise Study (presentation available soon). Chris presented 2 case studies on the value of PacIOOS information. First looking at PacIOOS’ 14 real-time wave buoys stretching from Hawaii to the Marshall Islands, to Guam, and as far south as American Samoa. Using calculations derived from a 2009 study of the economic impact of weather observations in the US, PacIOOS has derived an annual economic value from the direct consumption of wave data from these 14 buoys - exceeding $3.5M USD, a 10:1 return on our annual investment, and for their data integration site Voyager, a 20-fold return on investment.
  • IUCN World Conservation Congress: During the first week of September, more than 10,000 participants gathered for the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. IOOS and PacIOOS observation, modeling, and visualization capacities were demonstrated at the Forum. Attendees learned during an e-poster session how PacIOOS' Water Quality Sensor Partnership Program informs conservation efforts throughout the Pacific Islands region. NOAA Administrator Dr. Kathy Sullivan introduced the Global Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON). A video of Dr. Sullivan's presentation can be viewed online. PacIOOS also provided an introduction to the IOOS EDS Model Viewer at the U.S. Pavilion's Tech Corner.
  • Congrats to Canada’s Ocean Tracking Network: OTN are proud partners with Dalhousie’s Marine Environment Research Infrastructure for Data Integration (MERIDIAN) initiative which recently received $1.8M in competitive funding to aid in constructing a distributed data centre and to provide data and expertise to both Canadian and international researchers.
  • MBON Pole to Pole in Americas in Playa del Secreto, Mexico: Gabrielle and team led this meeting with huge success, with active participation from Mexico (the host), Venezuela, Costa Rica, Belize, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, and Canada, as well as representatives from OBIS, UNESCO/LME, Smithsonian Marine GEO/TMON, and GOOS.  The group discussed governance issues, state of biodiversity observations and monitoring in the region, and ways forward. The group identified three co-chairs representing three countries to lead a steering committee for development of the network, and made progress in developing a regional implementation plan, which will be refined in the coming weeks. We also identified several projects that the group will pursue together - details will be forthcoming, but these will include an online presence for regional data and capacity building supported by OBIS.

Delivering the Benefits:

  • Improving Navigation Safety in Cape Cod Bay:  NOAA’s Center for Operational Produces and Services (CO-OPS), in partnership with IOOS-NERACOOS, recently established a new Physical Oceanographic Real Time System (PORTS®) in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. See above on the description of the wave-monitoring buoy deployed in Cape Cod Bay.
  • GCOOS-RA released its new Strategic Plan: The Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Regional Association (GCOOS-RA) released a new five-year Strategic Plan designed to provide a roadmap  for developing ocean tools, technologies and applications that will improve ocean forecasts, as well as our ability to protect the environment and support human safety and the Gulf economy.
  • Second Pacific Anomalies Science and Technology Workshop Report Available: NANOOS completed the report that presents a high-level overview of the knowledge at the time of the workshop on the status and mechanisms involved in each of the three focus areas (atmosphere-ocean interactions, open ocean-coastal ocean dynamics, and ecosystem responses) with respect to Pacific anomalies, and specific recommendations on needs (observations, modeling, or studies) that limit our understanding or ability to forecast dynamics or impacts of the anomalous conditions.  To download the report, click this link.
  • High Sea Levels in Palau: Palau has experienced higher than normal sea levels for the past five months, peaking on September 17th at 6.4ft. These unusually high sea levels stem from a combination of high tides and abnormally high seasonal sea level. PacIOOS MOA partner, the Palau Office of Climate Change, has been instrumental in providing on-the-ground validation for the PacIOOS High Sea Level Forecast for Malakal, Palau, during these events. Observations and photo documentation are a crucial component for PacIOOS researchers to refine the forecast. The 6-day forecast takes tides and multi-day sea level variations into consideration, thereby providing a more accurate forecast of predicted sea level heights. The forecast was developed to enhance preparedness and improve community resilience by providing advance notice of such events.



  • Congrats to The Maritime Alliance: The Maritime Alliance has been awarded $297,000 to launch a 3-year U.S. Maritime Technology Export Initiative that will increase exports to foreign markets. Funding comes from the U.S. International Trade Administration's Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP), and will be used to bring foreign buyers from key markets to Oceanology International North America (OINA) in San Diego, CA February 14-16, 2017.  U.S. maritime technology companies will be invited to apply for funding that will subsidize up to 50% of the costs to attend foreign trade shows including airfare, exhibition fees, lodging and meals.  This is an opportunity to work with BlueTech clusters to create "win-win" relationships between companies in the U.S. and abroad.  Additional details will be announced during San Diego BlueTech Week, Nov 7 - 11, 2016.
  • Ocean Observing and the Internet of Things: Read the article about the Catalina Sea Ranch:

Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation:

  • San Diego BlueTech Week, Nov 7-10: IOOS and NOAA are once again proud to be a sponsor of this event.  This year’s theme is “Case Studies of Collaboration” as we organize 6 events over 5 days and focus on international partnerships. So whether you’re interested in networking with international partners, rubbing elbows with senior government officials and industry executives, meeting investors, exploring career opportunities in the Blue Economy or finding new maritime technologies from around the world, San Diego BlueTech Week will have it all. For all the information and to register:
  • Oceanology International Comes to North America:  The OI North America 2017 Conference has a 3 part program will consist of a series of keynote end-user focused panel discussions, topical technical sessions and a full day dedicated to the Catch the Next Wave conference, all aiming to provide a better understanding of present and future requirements and opportunities of the Blue Economy. Abstracts are being sought now:

View the IOOS calendar:

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