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Puget Sound Awareness Day



Ferry crossing Puget Sound on a grey day

Photo Credit: LCDR Gary Barone, NOAA Corps (ret.)


Jan Newton joined other scientists from five NANOOS member institutions UW, WA Dept. of Ecology, WA Dept. of Health, King County, and NOAA (NWFSC & PMEL), and others for a multi-agency media day at Shilshole Marina in Seattle to discuss the anomalous conditions in the Pacific Northwest, known as "the blob,"and its effects on Puget Sound. Using a variety of presentation aids, from the NVS Climatology App to tours aboard UW's R/V Barnes and Ecology's R/V Skookum, the group explained to reporters the abnormal conditions including high temperatures, salinity, low dissolved oxygen, and HABs in historically unaffected areas. Check out the KING 5 video, the KOMO radio clip, and articles from the Seattle Times and UW Today.

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U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
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Silver Spring, MD 20910

(240) 533-9444

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