The Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems spans coastal waters from the Canadian Maritime Provinces to the New York Bight. The Northeast region is geographically complex, with five states and two Canadian Provinces, coastal waters and watersheds of the Scotian Shelf, Gulf of Maine, Southern New England Bight, and Long Island Sound. Regional user requirements have identified inundation, harmful algal blooms, water quality, ocean acidification, and living marine resources as specific concerns in the Northeastern Region.
Distinguishing characteristics of the northeast region:
- Provide real-time observations and forecasts directly for maritime operational safety, inform U.S. and Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue Operations, and introduce new and enhance existing weather forecast products.
- Improve harmful algal bloom monitoring and forecasting, enhance monitoring and integration of water quality information, enable ecosystem based fisheries management and marine spatial planning, and monitor ocean acidification.
- Provide the necessary oceanographic information to facilitate the renewable energy sector and the Data Integration Framework required for a regional approach to facilities sighting.
- Enhance and evaluate street-level inundation forecasting, expand forecasts for coastal flooding and erosion, and support emergency spill response.
At a Glance
Executive Director: Jake Kritzer, Ph. D.
For general information, contact info@neracoos.org.
Regional Association Map