The Gulf of America Coastal Ocean Observing System is the only certified regional association focused solely on the Gulf, where it provides timely, reliable, accurate and on-demand information on the open ocean and coastal ocean waters.

GCOOS operates in support of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida communities, helping to ensure a healthy, clean, productive ocean and resilient coastal zone.

Distinguishing features of the Gulf region:

  • Water quality monitoring for biological parameters, including ocean acidification and harmful algal blooms, especially the development of the Red Tide Respiratory Forecast.
  • Glider operations coordinating entity in support of enhanced hurricane modeling and forecasting abilities to further protect at-risk communities in the Gulf and beyond; creation of a glider dashboard for operators and data users.
  • Enhancing high-frequency radar coverage.
  • Outreach and education to stakeholders across the Gulf so communities can make informed decisions about a variety of coastal and open-ocean activities โ€” from recreational activities to emergency response.
  • Supporting the addition and dissemination of new data streams as they become available, along with the data management and cyberinfrastructure systems that underpin the GCOOS data portal.
At a Glance

Executive Director: Jorge Brenner

For general information, contact info@gcoos.org.

Regional Association Map