IOOS launches Marine Life Portal


screenshot of Marine Life Portal landing page

Check out the new Marine Life landing page on! The new page connects all of IOOS’ existing Marine Life related web pages, portals, use cases, and guidelines, which have all been recently updated, and provides a single succinct resource to reference. We now have a centralized location for users to discover the various marine life activities IOOS is engaged in. Select it from the dropdown under "IOOS in Action" above, take a look around and let us know what you think!

The IOOS Marine Life Program goal is to implement a long-term, sustained marine life observation and data sharing capability that builds on and expands the infrastructure, momentum and successes of existing IOOS biological observing programs, in particular the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network, Animal Telemetry Network, National Harmful Algal Bloom Observing Network, soundscape monitoring, and efforts of IOOS partners and Regional Associations. The program will leverage well-developed national and regional activities, stakeholder engagement and priority-setting processes, collaboration with National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science community structures, technology development, and nearly a decade of National Oceanographic Partnership Program interagency investment towards developing this capability.

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U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
1315 East-West Highway 2nd Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910

(240) 533-9444

Website Owner: National Ocean Service  |  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  |  Department of Commerce  |

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