The IOOS Data Management Meeting...
The IOOS Data Management and Communications (DMAC) meeting is a backdrop for coordination and communication between managers of ocean, coastal, Great Lakes data and information. Attendees represent IOOS Regional Associations, federal agencies, academia and the private sector. The meeting themes span issues that support IOOS’ data management framework for searching, discovering, accessing, and using information.
IOOS Data Management Meeting (2016)
- Opening Remarks
- IOOS Update
- IOOS Data Management Path Forward
- IOOS Catalog
- QARTOD in Practice
- Compliance Checker
- IOOS Regional Archiving
- IOOS Catalog and Service Requirements
- Water Quality Portal
- NOAA's OneStop Data Discovery and Access Project
- IOOS Environmental Data Server Model Viewer
- IOOS Environmental Sensor Map
- Marine Biodiversity Observation Network
- Ocean Tracking Network/Animal Telemetry Network
IOOS Data Management Meeting (2015)
- Agenda
- Attendees
PowerPoint Presentations
- IOOS Program Update
Data Management for Animal Tracking Activities
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network and Biological Data Enrollment Procedures
- IOOS Biological Enrollment Process
- National Glider DAC
- Observing System Monitoring Center
- United Access Framework Catalog Cleaner
- Exploiting IOOS: A Distributed, Standards-Based Framework and
Open-Source Software Stack for Searching, Accessing, Analyzing
and Visualizing Met-Ocean Data - QARTOD in Practice
- IOOS Archive Project Update
- EPA Continuous Monitor Data Strategy
IOOS DMAC Meeting and Products Workshop (2013)
- DMAC Meeting Agenda
- Products Workshop Agenda
- Attendees
- Meeting Report
- PowerPoint Presentations
- DMAC Meeting Introduction
- IOOS Data Services with the THREDDS Data Server
- DMAC Integration Test
- IOOS Biological Data System Enrollment Process
- Animal Telemetry Data Assembly Center
- Data Storage and Archiving Submission Process
- IOOS National Glider Data Assembly Center
- Geospatial Data Policies and Activities within NOS and NOAA
- IOOS Common Product Introduction