Working on an ocean observing puzzle
The integration of real world data into classroom instruction is a powerful means to increase student interest and understanding of concepts. These lessons present ocean observing science through activities for grades K - 12 using ocean observing information.
El Manual educativo Olas de CARICOOS es una herramienta útil y práctica para educadores. Es libre de costo. Está dividido en 4 planes. Cada uno de los planes de clases contiene actividades interactivas que integran el uso de tecnología, fomentan la realización de actividades manuales, y la solución de ejercicios. Este manual está alineado a los estándares del Programa de Ciencias del Departamento de Educación de Puerto Rico.
GCOOS has developed lesson plans to help support a more ocean-literate society. Plans are based on national science standards. Topics address audiences from K - 8 on a variety of topics including coral reef health, invasive species, ocean depths, and more.
NANOOS lesson plans help educators bring NANOOS regional data into the classroom — or anywhere. They offer lesson plans including harmful algal bloom forecasting, shellfish spawning, marine heatwaves, and more.
PacIOOS has created a Voyager Lesson Plan in which students make decisions for ocean recreational activities with which they are familiar using PacIOOS data. This approach to education and outreach motivates students to delve deeper into the data generated and served by their local ocean observing system through decision-making that is relevant to students’ lives.
The SECOORA classroom offers lessons on the water cycle and sea level rise as well as hurricane resources and a build-a-buoy exercise.