Regional Associations of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Alaska Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE) is a close-knit team of ocean scientists, communicators and educators from the Alaska region who work closely with ocean scientists, educators and coastal community members, COSEE Alaska seeks to enhance ocean and climate change literacy in formal and informal audiences and the public.
- The Arctic Ocean Ecosystem Collection is a body of educational resources focused on understanding the Arctic Ocean ecosystem. The Collection was developed during a five-day workshop in Barrow, Alaska, in 2012. The workshop brought together teachers who had traveled to the Arctic Ocean during teacher-researcher experience programs; Arctic Ocean community members and teachers from the North Slope (Alaska); as well as project scientists interested in gaining expertise in broader impacts activities.
- Developed by Alaska teachers, the Alaska Seas and Watersheds Curriculum provides high-quality units for use by teachers and homeschoolers, as well as interpreters, youth groups, nature tour guides, and anyone seeking fascinating content on marine science topics. The curriculum meets Alaska science content standards and grade level expectations.
- El personal de educación y alcance de CARICOOS se dedica a desarrollar diversas actividades educativas con el fin que el público pueda: conocer qué productos tiene CARICOOS y cómo acceder a éstos; interpretar correctamente cada uno de los productos que se proveen gratuitamente en la página web de CARICOOS; conocer la aplicabilidad de los datos en tiempo real de la boya y los pronósticos (mapas gráficos) en la toma de decisiones; y comprender fundamentos básicos sobre olas, vientos y corrientes y su relevancia en nuestra vida diaria.
- MBARI's EARTH: Education and Research: Testing Hypotheses uses near-real-time data from ocean observatories to design and test outreach with the Internet as an interface to scientists, teachers, students, and the public.
Great Lakes
- Michigan Sea Grant's Teaching Great Lakes Science offers Great Lakes lessons and activities, data sets and tools. All the lessons, activities, teacher tools and data sets are free and targeted for 4-12th grades
Gulf of Mexico
- GCOOS Education & Lesson Plans offers formal and informal education resources centered around ocean and weather information for the Gulf Coast — from Florida to Texas — for grades K - 8
- Visit COSEE Gulf of Mexico for the "Making Waves" poster, lessons, real-time wave information on the web, learn the wave vocabulary with the waves glossary, and more. COSEE Southeast and COSEE Gulf of Mexico are SECOORA education partners in developing these materials
- The Northeast Coastal Acidification Network's Education & Outreach Working Group provides a collaborative platform for ocean and coastal acidification educators to inform each other and their community about OCA. Additionally, the E&O WG provides educational resources to stakeholders by working closely with the other NECAN Working Groups; and in the future plans to develop resources for other stakeholder groups, such as citizen science monitoring groups
Pacific Islands
- PacIOOS Education & Outreach offers lesson plans and outreach materials addressing climate change resources, coral bleaching, sea level rise and more
Pacific Northwest
- NANOOS Education offers learning tools, lesson plans and links to marine resources for teachers and students
- Oregon Coast Education Program's Coastal Education Modules offer curriculum and activities recommended and developed by the Oregon Coast Education Program. They are divided into three grade bands: Elementary (3rd – 5th grade), Middle School (6th – 8th grade) and High School (9th -12th grade), and many take advantage of NANOOS's open data
- SECOORA's Classroom has K-12 resources based on ocean observations, lesson plans, and real-time data: this website is for ocean users, teachers, and other educators to learn how ocean observing information can be used or incorporated into classroom and other educational programs
- This Virtual Exploration of Georgia’s Coastal Wetlands is a curriculum created by UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant that is designed to connect 7th grade students to the coast from right inside their classrooms