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Week of 3/17: System status NORMAL. To check individual assets and information, visit and/or the Environmental Sensor Map.

IOOS Logo horizontal layout RGB Colors Blue/Teal/White

U.S. IOOS® is proud to officially unveil their new logo!

IOOS has evolved in response to the wants and needs of our partners, regional associations, stakeholders, and users, and so we teamed up with Orlando-based design firm Brand Architecture to create this elegant, emblematic logo representative of today's IOOS. In the true spirit of openness and interagency cooperation, it was custom-built based on input from the IOOS program office, our peers, and regional associations.

The logo is simple, streamlined, and with an emphasis on integration - starting with the interweaving of the I-O-O-S. The blues are the dark blue of the deep ocean and great lakes and bright, clear blue of the coasts and shallows. It's an eye looking out. It's a signal radiating outward. The "s" is two open arms embracing the world. It's all these things and more, and we invite you to find something new every time you see it, just like you can with IOOS.

For questions or comments, please contact Kate Culpepper,

Downloadable Files

Primary: Version A (jpg) | Version B (jpg)

Secondary: Version A (jpg) | Version B (jpg)

Tertiary: Version A (jpg) | Version B (jpg) | Version C (jpg)

IOOS Logo Style Guide (pdf)

For all available file-types and formats, please contact us!

IOOS Logo Wear

We're pleased to be able to offer the opportunity to purchase IOOS-branded logo wear through Land's End. If you would like to purchase gear with the new logo, just follow these steps:

1. Go to and log into your account (or create one).

2. Go to My Account > Logo Library > Associate a New Logo to my Account.

3. In the pop-up window, enter: Logo Reference Number: 1429030; Customer Number: 6753173, and then click "Add to Library."

4. Your library will reload and you will see the IOOS logo populate it within a moment.

5. Select the gear you want and select "Update Logo(s)" to customize placement, then add to your cart, check out, and wait for your package to arrive! (And tweet us a picture if you like!)

All IOOS program staff standing together and holding commemorative tins featuring the IOOS logo at Oceans '15.

IOOS Program Office staff at Oceans '15 celebrating the official logo launch Photo credit: U.S. IOOS/NOAA

Our Social Ocean



U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System
1315 East-West Highway 2nd Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910

(240) 533-9444

Website Owner: National Ocean Service  |  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  |  Department of Commerce  |

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