The Eyes on the Ocean™ Newsletter is an informal way of keeping you up-to-date on U.S. IOOS® activities.

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From the Director:

Dear IOOS Community,

As October arrives, I’d like to bring to your attention some upcoming opportunities of note. This month, we will host a town hall focused on discussing the New Blue Economy at the upcoming MTS Oceans 2022 Conference. If you will be in Virginia Beach, I hope you will join us for this town hall on October 20th at 1:30pm. Another opportunity to intersect with NOAA leadership on New Blue Economy activities is at the upcoming TMA Blue Tech Week in San Diego November 14 to 18. 

The IOOS Association is seeking nominations for the 2023 Caraid Award. The Caraid Award recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to observing and understanding our oceans, coasts and Great Lakes through vision, leadership, friendship and collaboration. I encourage you to submit a nomination for anyone who would be deserving of this special award.  

NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS) is aiming to complement its existing leadership by recruiting for a Deputy Assistant Administrator for Navigation, Observations and Positioning (DAA-NOP). The successful candidate will work directly for Assistant Administrator, Nicole LeBoeuf and side by side with the NOS DAA for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management, Paul Scholz. The DAA-NOP will have full responsibility for establishing, managing, and providing strategic direction for the Navigation, Observations, and Positioning program offices within NOS. Those offices are the U.S. IOOS Office, the Office of Coast Survey, the National Geodetic Survey, and the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services. The full job listing can be found here 

In addition to the above position, the IOOS Office, CO-OPS, many of our IOOS regions, and GOOS are all hiring right now as well. You can find links to all of these opportunities in the Job & Internship Opportunities on the IOOS webpage. We’d love to work with you!


From the U.S. IOOS Office:

  • IOOS Town Hall at Upcoming MTS Oceans 2022: We invite you to join IOOS for a town hall entitled “The New Blue Economy: Application of Ocean and Coastal Data Across Sectors” on Thursday, October 20th at 1:30pm during the upcoming MTS Oceans 2022 Conference. This Town Hall will provide a forum for academia, government, and industry to inform NOAA and the greater Blue Economy community on approaches currently being used and why collaboration around data is essential for the New Blue Economy. Confirmed speakers will include IOOS and NOAA leadership; Gerhard Kuska (Director of MARACOOS), who will speak about Fugro and RPS and their engagement with the offshore wind industry; and Jan Newton (Director of NANOOS), who will speak about backyard buoys. This session will task the presenters to share their views on how stakeholders can realize the full potential of the New Blue Economy and what a productive public/private partnership for the New Blue Economy looks like, including key characteristics and how we might replicate it.  
  • The FY23 OTT Project Notice of Funding Opportunity now open:  In FY 2023-2024, up to $7.5 million/year (estimated) will be available through the Ocean Technology Transition program. Awards are for up to $400,00/year for up to three years.  Multiple awards are anticipated, subject to availability of funds. The full announcement can be found here. Letters of Intent (highly recommended, but not required) should be submitted via Google Form by 11:59 PM ET on Friday, October 21, 2022. Full proposals must be received no later than 11:50 PM ET on Tuesday, January 17, 2023.  Please contact Tiffany Vance if you have any questions. 
  • IOOS is hiring! We’re looking for a Data Scientist for Modeling Analysis and Outreach.  Find the details here: 

  • From the IOOS Association: 
    • Seeking Nominations for the 2023 Caraid Award: The Caraid Award recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to observing and understanding our oceans, coasts and Great Lakes through vision, leadership, friendship and collaboration. The Caraid Award celebrates not what someone has accomplished but how they approached their work that inspired and created lasting results. As we appreciate leaders who have an established career, please also consider someone still early in their leadership path. See more details and the nomination form here
    • Save the Date! The IOOS Fall Meeting - November 8-10: IOOS Fall Meeting will be hosted by CariCOOS in San Juan, Puerto Rico on November 8-10, 2022. Please mark your calendars!

Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:

  • Surface Current Mapping
    • New HF Radar on Humboldt Bay in California: Congratulations to the University of California, Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory - assisted by partners at Cal Poly Humboldt and USCG Sector Humboldt Bay - on the addition of a new long-range CODAR SeaSonde® HFR at the USCG property near the north jetty of Humboldt Bay in Samoa, CA!  This site was added to HFRNet in August 2022 and is providing additional data near the commercially and recreationally critical entrance to Humboldt Bay, in coordination with the HFR sites at Point St. George, Trinidad, and Shelter Cove, CA.
  • Gliders 
    • Successful Underwater Glider User Group Workshop: The 2022 U.S. Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) Workshop was hosted at the Botanic Gardens, University of Washington, Seattle, WA on Sept 20 - 22. The agenda included six thematic breakout sessions, science talks, and posters. The breakout sessions were Biogeochemical (BGC) Standard Sensors, National Plan for Sustained Observing, Collaborative Science, Data Management, Modeling Impacts of Gliders, and Biological Sensors - Acoustics. In addition, our industry partners demonstrated their products and presented briefs in the open session and sponsored the social cocktail hours.  If you attended, please provide feedback to the workshop survey link here so we can improve future workshops. The UG2 steering committee will work through the feedback and will draft a report and oversee the resulting action items.
    • Gliders Deployed Ahead of Hurricane Fiona: Hurricane Fiona encountered several gliders in the Caribbean as it strengthened to a Category 1 just prior to landfall in Puerto Rico. The AOML and CARICOOS gliders south of Puerto Rico, coordinated in close partnership between these two groups as well as additional regional partners, captured upper ocean observations that were assimilated into the NOAA Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS).  The AOML glider was co-located with a PMEL/AOML project Saildrone to capture quasi-simultaneous observations of the upper ocean and surface atmosphere. A Navy glider situated near the US Virgin Islands, supported by the OMAO UxS Operations Center and operationally supported by OCOVI, also captured upper ocean conditions near Fiona.  All glider temperature and salinity data are submitted to the GTS via the Glider DAC and NDBC, and have been keeping RTOFS temperature and salinity relatively on track, especially compared to regions without upper ocean observing assets.  An analysis showed the glider data kept RTOFS well on track, though the RTOFS salinity in the upper 100 m was higher than observed, not resolving the barrier layer that is known to be conducive to storm strengthening. 
    • The Rosenstiel School - Postdoctoral Associate - CIMAS: IOOS encourages applicants for a new postdoc position that contributes to the NOAA hurricane intensity forecast improvements effort. CIMAS is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate (2-year term, Ph.D. in physical oceanography or a related field) to join the NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) for an exciting opportunity to support a hurricane intensity forecast improvements project, with a focus on Atlantic upper ocean observations and ocean model data assimilation.  The project is coordinated by the NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), the National Ocean Service (NOS) and the NWS.  This is a highly-collaborative position involving multiple federal and academic partners, with great networking opportunities.  This position does not require expertise in building or running models or data assimilation schemes, but it does require deep understanding of how the models work and excellent data analysis skills. Candidates must be a U.S. Citizen or Green Card holder in order to gain access to NWS systems. The position requires the person to be physically located at College Park, MD. Additional details and a list of responsibilities are included in the position description: 
    • UG2 Updates:
  • Buoys & Moorings
    • Rincon buoy recovered: The CARICOOS wave buoy off Rincon in Puerto Rico went adrift during the passage of Hurricane Fiona on September 18.  The buoy was safely recovered just 2 days later, washed up on a nearby beach.  The buoy will be inspected and repaired before redeployment in the near future. 
    • Low-cost, open-source Panther buoys are now on Seagull: Panther buoys are a new type of low-cost buoy for the Great Lakes. These platforms are built using open-source technologies with documentation and code published online for anyone to use and reproduce. And last year, GLOS funded several via Smart Great Lakes mini-grants. This was a new sort of connection for Seagull, but recently, GLOS staff was able to help build a direct connection so data flows securely to Seagull. Read more here.
    • Pauwela Wave Buoy Redeployed: The PacIOOS Wave Buoy team redeployed the Pauwela wave buoy, located approximately 9 miles offshore of Kahului Harbor on the North Shore of Maui. The buoy provides updates every 30 minutes of ongoing ocean conditions, including wave height, wave period, wave direction, and sea surface temperature. Data is available on the PacIOOS Voyager and is managed by the Coastal Data Information Program in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 
  • Harmful Algal Blooms 
    • NCCOS Funds Response to Marine Mammal Mortality Event Occurring in Southern California:NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science provided a harmful algal bloom (HAB) Event Response award of $4,520 to Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (SCCOOS), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP), University of California- Santa Cruz, and The Marine Mammal Center. This award will fund their efforts to investigate the Pseudo-nitzschia bloom and co-occurrence of a marine mammal mortality event taking place off the coast of Southern California. Read the full story here.
  • Reports:
  • Marine Life
    • New Marine Life Projects Support Conservation, Healthy Ecosystems: On behalf of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program, NOAA and partner agencies, including NASA, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and the Office of Naval Research have awarded several new proposals that:
      • Build upon the foundation established by the U.S. Marine Biodiversity Observation Network, the U.S. Animal Telemetry Network, and the U.S. IOOS Regional Associations to work across sectors and disciplines towards an integrated, sustained marine life observing capability for the U.S. ocean, coasts and Great Lakes, from estuaries to the deep ocean.
      • Advance technologies for efficient and/or automated collection of species and associated habitat observations.
      • Enable open access to biodiversity data and information.
      • Utilize these observations, technologies, and data to address place-based (e.g., sanctuaries, reserves, protected areas, leasing blocks, etc.) management, conservation and restoration needs.
      • Read more here: 
    • ATN Assisting with Beach Safety Planning: Acting ATN Coordinator, Dr. Tobey Curtis, traveled to Long Island, NY on September 28th for a “Dangerous Marine Life” workshop to share information on sharks and contribute to beach safety planning. Participants included managers, rangers, and staff from the National Park Service, NY State Parks, NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation, county officials, life guards, first responders, and shark experts. Dr. Curtis shared an overview of shark populations in NY waters and telemetry technologies available to further study them. 

Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS Data:

  • New NVS "Customization" Capability: NANOOS is excited to announce a new feature in NVS which allows users to “customize” the information presented. Set up the map view to display the region, the asset or model overlay, etc. that you are interested in, then select the “Snapshot” tool to create a link that stores this information (check out the demo video). You can then share or visit this link at any time to access data with these specifications. Be sure to log in to your NANOOS user account to save your Snapshots links.

  • IOOS Participates in NOAA’s Environmental Data Management Workshop: IOOS Staff presented at two sessions during the workshop. For the session “New Blue Economy: Empowering Ocean Data” (September 12), IOOS shared the New Blue Economy call to action with an important internal stakeholder group: NOAA’s data managers, information service developers, and data policymakers. The presentations covered the entire scope of New Blue Economy activities: Service Development, Market Development, Workforce Development, and Partnerships. Melissa Zweng chaired the session, Carl Gouldman presented opening remarks, and 78 participants attended. In the session “ERDDAP - Making Data More Easily Accessible” on “Using ERDDAP to facilitate Open Science (a biodiversity perspective)”, Mathew Biddle walked through how the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network projects are using ERDDAP to start the data sharing process.

      • No update.

Modeling and Analysis Subsystem:   

  • No update.

Around the Regions:

  • Typhoon Merbok: The Pacific Ocean storm Merbok became a Category 1 typhoon on Sep 13, 2022, reaching sustained winds of 75 mph (65 kn). After transitioning into an extratropical cyclone, the system continued moving northward with gale-force winds as it approached the Aleutian Islands from Sep 16–17. It then entered the Bering Sea, generating a dangerous storm surge which inundated several coastal villages and towns. The St. Paul Marine Exchange of Alaska weather installation clocked winds as high as 66 knots during the event. Water levels in Unalakleet peaked at around 12.5 ft (3.8 m), and exceeded 10 ft (3 m) in Nome. Waves at the AOOS supported CDIP station (241) just offshore the Port of Nome reached a maximum significant wave height of 5.63 m, with a maximum individual wave reaching 9.69 m. The CDIP station in Nome Station was established in 2018 and is operated seasonally in cooperation with the USACE and CDIP, and our partners at the Port of Nome. AOOS supported information sharing with the USGS Coastal Storm Team, a consortium of federal, state and regional agencies tracking the storm and its impacts.
  • Register Today! October 5 - CalOOS Data Portal Demo: SCCOOS and CeNCOOS partnered with Axiom Data Science to develop a California Ocean Observing Systems Data Portal for enhanced data discoverability and access. Users can search the Catalog for ocean and coastal data by technology, observations, affiliations and project title. You can read more about the portal features on the documentation overview page. SCCOOS and CeNCOOS will also be hosting a “how to” webinar for our stakeholders and users on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 12:00 PM PT. Register for the webinar here.
  • OA Video: Check out the new video highlighting ocean acidification in southcentral Alaska and the efforts of Tribes, community samplers and the research community to address this issue. This 8 minute video was produced by the Chugach Regional Resources Commission and highlights members of the Alaska Ocean Acidification Network.
  • New Warm Water Anomaly: A moderate to strong marine heatwave, with water temperature anomalies (divergence from normal) exceeding 7°F (~2C), is now being observed in the central North Pacific. Formed in July, we see sea surface temperatures over two standard deviations above normal.  Track the anomaly on NANOOSand the Marine Heatwave Tracker site.
  • NERACOOS releases Strategic Plan: NERACOOS is pleased to share with you their 2022-2025 Strategic Plan! This document was created using input from NERACOOS users about their most pressing needs, and it takes into account how NERACOOS has grown over the past ten years. Check it out here.
  • PacIOOS announces new Deputy Director: PacIOOS welcomes Jordan Watson to the PacIOOS team as the new Deputy Director. In this O‘ahu-based position, his primary role is to manage the operation and growth of data, outreach, and observing system components within PacIOOS. Jordan comes to us most recently from the NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center where he worked for the last decade as a quantitative fisheries biologist, focusing on the role that environmental variability plays on fish and fishing distributions. In addition, he worked extensively on the development of more accessible and automated fishery data systems. Earlier this year, he completed a six month detail as the Deputy Director for the NOAA Center for Artificial Intelligence, where he engaged with leaders and researchers to expand artificial intelligence across NOAA’s mission areas, from fish to hurricanes. Welcome aboard, Jordan!

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility:

  • GLOS attends a Tribal and Indigenous climate conference: This month GLOS attended the National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference in St. Paul, MN. The event brought together an international audience of “knowledge holders on climate change and resilience efforts with an emphasis on the intersection, inclusion and honoring of Traditional and Indigenous Knowledges.”  According to GLOS, it was an extremely valuable time of listening to and learning from Indigenous communities and their supportive stakeholders in our region to understand where best GLOS can provide added value to their efforts. Read more here. 

  • AOOS Director of Engagement Launches the Ocean Knowledge Radio Show on KNOM: A show featuring news about the Arctic Ocean, Chuckchi and Bering seas. Empowering people with knowledge of the ecological and geopolitical changes to the region. Covering science, policy, climate, shipping and indigenous knowledge, the show will feature agency officials, elected leaders, scientists and indigneous knowledge holders. Read the story here. Access Episode 1 | Episode 2

Interagency and International Collaboration/News:

  • UN Decade of Ocean Science For Sustainable Development Updates 
    • Get ready! Fourth Call for Decade Actions to open on 15 October 2022: The Call for Decade Actions No. 04/2022 will be open from 15 October 2022 to 31 January 2023. It will solicit Decade Programmes that can contribute to Challenge 6 – Coastal Resilience, with a focus on green and grey resilience and multi-hazard early warning systems, and Challenge 8 – Digital Representation of the Ocean, with a focus on critical datasets, interoperable digital infrastructure, capacity development and applications, tools and services to meet the Ocean Decade Challenges. Twenty-five endorsed Decade Programmes will also solicit Projects. The Call documentation will be available on the Global Stakeholder Forum as of 15 October 2022.
  • Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) News:
    • Canadian and OOI Gliders Meet in the Pacific: In an important collaborative undertaking, the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Glider 363 and a Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Glider crossed paths along Line P, a transect line in the northeast Pacific. This modern day “intersection” provides an opportunity for scientists to have co-located science profiles to match up with sensor data, but also an efficient way to extend data about ocean conditions along Line P throughout the year. Read more here: 
    • Busy Season at Sea Keeping OOI Operational: OOI had an incredibly busy season in the water. It began in July with a monthlong expedition to recover and deploy the moorings at the Global Irminger Sea Array. Next up was a five-leg 40-day expedition to the Regional Cabled Array in the Pacific to recover and deploy ocean observing equipment and restore power to a section of the cable using the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS. Winding up the season is the ongoing Endurance 17 expedition, which is currently off the coast of Oregon aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson. These expedtions are complex, detailed, and demanding. We've been reporting on daily life aboard the ships and invite you to experience what it's like to go to sea, without having to leave your desk. Ride along with the expeditions and read what it sometimes takes to recover equipment at We Never Give Up At Sea.
  • Hurricane Ian - National Geodetic Survey Damage Assessment Imagery Available Online: On September 29, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) began collecting aerial damage assessment images in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. Imagery has been collected in specific areas by NOAA aircraft, identified by NOAA in coordination with FEMA and other state and federal partners. Collected images are available to view online via the NGS aerial imagery viewer. Read more here: 
  • Steve Thur Named Director of NOAA Research: Steve Thur, Ph.D., a nationally recognized leader in coastal science and management, has been appointed by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo as the assistant administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (NOAA Research). In this capacity, Thur will serve as director of NOAA’s office primarily responsible for foundational research that is key to understanding our weather, climate and marine ecosystems. Thur comes to NOAA Research following nearly two decades at NOAA’s National Ocean Service, where he most recently served as the director of NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS). 
  • IWG-OA draft Strategic Plan available for review: The Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification is excited to announce the draft Federal OA Strategic Research Plan is now available for a 60 day public comment period. The first strategic research plan was released in 2014, and this is the first revision. A copy of the Draft Strategic Plan may be downloaded or viewed on the internet at: You are encouraged to use the comment form spreadsheet provided on the same website to submit your comments. However, comments will also be accepted in word, pdf, or email body. Please see full details on the Federal Register.
  • Webinar on NWS Winter Weather Program: The National Weather Service Winter Weather Services Program invites you to join a webinar on October 18, 2022 from 2PM - 3PM ET. The Annual Winter Partner's Webinar is open to anyone with an interest in winter weather, and this year's agenda covers a short review of winter 2021/2021 and Winter Weather Program initiatives, a preview of planned efforts for the 2022-2023 Winter Weather Program, and a discussion on vision, messaging, and future initiatives of the program. Please register for the webinar at the following link. For more information please contact the NWS Winter Weather Program Manager,
  • RICHARD Cruise Combines Mapping, Charting, and Coral Surveys: This September marked the completion of the five-month expedition to the Mariana Islands on the NOAA ship Rainier. NOS Assistant Administrator Nicole LeBoeuf shared a video message about this cruise. This innovative NOAA mission combined very different and historically siloed projects — mapping and charting in conjunction with coral reef ecosystem surveying. Known as RICHARD (Rainier Integrates Charting, Hydrography, and Reef Demographics), this mission is dedicated to, and in honor of, the late Admiral Richard Brennan, former director of the Office of Coast Survey (OCS). Rick had an inspiring vision for the future of the NOAA fleet and a forward-thinking, solutions-oriented approach to executing one-NOAA, multidisciplinary science. The mission would not have been possible without his leadership. The cruise is a collaboration between OCS, the Coral Reef Conservation Program, NOAA Fisheries, the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations, the National Centers for Coastal and Ocean Science, the Ocean Acidification Program, and the National Geodetic Survey.
  • OCS Implements Data Licensing Policy: OCS's Data Licensing Policy is officially in place. Applying an open data license to all OCS bathymetry data allows it to be part of the public domain, making the information available to additional users. This step aligns OCS with the NOAA Data Strategy and federal policies which require government data to be as free, open, and accessible as possible. Under these policies, external ocean mapping data contributions must also be licensed. Since the data license is machine-readable, incorporating data into the National Bathymetric Source (which maintains best available, high-resolution bathymetry data) will now be more automated and standardized.
  • OCS Integrates Uncrewed Surface Vehicle in Survey Operations: OCS staff is aboard NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson to utilize a newly acquired uncrewed surface vehicle (USV). The project team is working with the crew of the Thomas Jefferson to define the staffing, support, and procedures necessary to integrate the USV into routine shipboard hydrographic survey operations. NOAA is using the USV during two underway periods in September. The first period will focus on training crew members and developing safe launch and recovery procedures. During the second period, NOAA personnel will use the USV to conduct hydrographic surveys near Cleveland, Ohio. The project team included personnel from the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations’ Uncrewed Systems Operations Center, NOAA Fisheries, the University of New Hampshire, and the USV manufacturer.
  • CO-OPS Attends Philadelphia Area Harbor Safety Meeting: CO-OPS staff attended a Philadelphia-area harbor safety meeting hosted by the Mariners’ Advisory Committee for the Bay & River Delaware. During the meeting, the Waterways Management Division chief of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Sector Delaware Bay expressed appreciation for CO-OPS's continuous data availability and discussed how useful water temperature data is, especially during winter. Water temperature data can help determine when and where ice may develop. Ice from the upper Delaware River can move south into navigable areas, which can impact shipping and commerce throughout the region. Since the USCG is responsible for monitoring and mitigating ice in the region, National Water Level Observation Network and Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System data is crucial to the success of their efforts.
  • CO-OPS Rebuilds Freshwater Locks Water Level Station: CO-OPS finished rebuilding the Freshwater Canal Locks, Louisiana, National Water Level Observation Network station following damage sustained during Hurricane Laura in August 2020. Using a barge and crane, the team installed the new elevated station frame while enjoying the Louisiana sunshine, a hearty helping of humidity, and a dash of mosquitoes. Water level data is extremely valuable, especially to vulnerable communities such as those in southern Louisiana. Despite facing many delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain issues, CO-OPS is proud to bring this important National Water Level Observation Network station back online.
  • Hydrographic Services Review Panel Holds Fall Meeting: NOAA's Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP) is holding a public meeting on September 20-22 in Oahu, Hawaii. The HSRP is a federal advisory committee that advises the NOAA administrator on navigation, physical oceanographic, geospatial, positioning, and coastal and shoreline programs, products, and services. The meeting includes updates on NOS’s navigation observations and positioning portfolio, as well as discussions on Pacific mapping, and on challenges from flooding and sea level rise. There is also a stakeholder session to discuss navigation data, ports, harbors, and the supply chain in Hawaii. Meeting outputs are expected to focus on coastal resilience and public private partnerships.

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