The Eyes on the Ocean™ Bi-weekly is an informal way of keeping you up-to-date on U.S. IOOS® activities.

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From the Director:

Hello IOOS Community,

March is here and with its arrival, we enter a busy season for our office. Today, the IOOS Association, IOOS Regions, IOOS Program Office, and leadership from OSTP and NOAA are meeting for the annual spring meeting in Washington D.C. Today’s meeting includes discussions on how we can leverage opportunities to drive advances in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes observing, planning on regional priorities, and discussions around biological observing. While in town, the regions will also head to the Hill to meet with Congressional staff and talk about the important work they are doing to advance ocean observing science for the Nation.

March also marks Women’s History Month. Did you know that more than 70% of the IOOS Program Office staff are women? And 7 of 11 of our regions are headed by women, as is the IOOS Association. IOOS has an incredible wealth of strong women leaders throughout the enterprise, from executive directors, to communications and outreach staff, to budget and grants staff, to scientists and data managers, and our own program office Deputy Director. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the IOOS mission, your innovative ideas, and strong ability to collaborate, mentor, and lead. The National Ocean Service is honoring notable women in ocean science with a new story on the website

Best wishes,

From the U.S. IOOS Office:

  • Hydrographic Services Review Panel Meeting Postponed, Virtual Public Meeting to be held April 28th: NOAA has postponed the HSRP Oahu public meeting scheduled for April 28-30, 2020. It will now occur September 22-24, 2020. Additional information will be posted on the meeting website: There will be an abbreviated virtual HSRP public meeting on April 28 for a 1/2 day or less by webinar / teleconference. We will share those details when available.

    • Consortium for Ocean Leadership Public Policy Forum - March 12, 2020 - Register Now! On Thursday, March 12, 2020, the Consortium for Ocean Leadership’s annual Public Policy Forum will explore the topic of Ascending from the Summit: Transforming U.S. Ocean Science & Technology Partnerships. In November 2019, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Council on Environmental Quality hosted the White House Summit on Partnerships in Ocean Science and Technology. This first-time ocean science and technology partnership event brought together over 100 leaders from a variety of sectors — philanthropy, academia, public, and private — to identify opportunities for partnership in eight critical areas of ocean science research. While the White House Summit provided a much-needed starting point, to strengthen existing relationships and build new ones we need to find a way to go even higher than this summit. For more info and to RSVP, see

    • Save the Date! NOAA Open House - March 14: NOAA will open the doors to our Silver Spring, MD campus on March 14 for the annual NOAA Open House. This fun-filled day features activities and speakers that introduce NOAA’s science, service, and stewardship mission to the community. Chat with hurricane hunters, make fish prints, build a boat, and more! This year’s event is a special one as we celebrate NOAA’s 50th anniversary. Come and bring your family and friends. We will have activities suitable for ages 5 and up. The NOAA Open House is free and open to the public.

Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:

  • PacIOOS Lānaʻi Wave Buoy Redeployed: The PacIOOS wave buoy off Lānaʻi is now back in the water, collecting real-time data of wave height, period, and direction, as well as sea surface temperature. The data are transmitted in 30-min intervals and available on the PacIOOS website. The Lānaʻi wave buoy is part of PacIOOS' network of 15 wave buoys across the Pacific. For each buoy, a suite of data products are available, such as a dynamic data plot, spectral data, and a plot combining observational and forecasting data. Data management for the wave buoys is made possible through long-term partnerships with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP).

      • No update.

      • Hurricane Glider Meeting - April 7-9, 2020: NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) and IOOS are hosting a Hurricane Glider meeting on April 7th - 9th, 2020, at AOML in Miami, FL. The purpose of the meeting is to 1) Review the 2019 Hurricane Season's glider operations and coordinate efforts for 2020 2) Discuss the latest research findings and data efforts 3) Coordinate with partners and other observing platforms.

      • 2nd Mid-Atlantic Telemetry Workshop: The ATN will participate in the 2nd Mid-Atlantic Telemetry Workshop on April 2-3, 2020 in Hampton, VA.  Day 1 of the Workshop will focus on science presentations and discussions aimed at strengthening links among science, management, and other stakeholders involved in Acoustic Telemetry in the mid-Atlantic Region. Day 2 will focus on acoustic telemetry data analysis training in R provided by the Canadian Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) staff, as well as updates to and use of the Mid-Atlantic Acoustic Telemetry Observation System (MATOS) for managing and sharing acoustic telemetry detection data.

      • ATN @ Ocean Sciences 2020 Meeting, 16 – 21 February 2020, San Diego, CA: Megan McKinzie, ATN Data Coordinator, recently attended Ocean Sciences 2020, which gathered the ocean science community to share ideas and research, enhance collaborations and promote interdisciplinary dialogue to raise awareness of ocean health, address environmental challenges and strive to set a path forwards towards a more resilient planet. While in attendance, Megan actively engaged with the telemetry as well as the larger ocean science community and gave an ATN talk at the NOAA booth. She also participated in the West Coast Biological Observations Coordination Network Steering Team meeting along with representatives from West Coast MBON, IOOS RAs, NMFS CCIEA, Stanford and others to discuss the need for improved coordination of biological observations within the CCLME and the integration of emerging technologies for ecosystem observation and management.

Data Management and Communications (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data (DMAC listserv – contact Micah Wengren, DMAC System Architect,

  • Save the Date!  2020 DMAC Meeting: IOOS is pleased to announce that the 2020 DMAC Meeting will take place Tuesday, June 16 to Friday, June 19, in Silver Spring, Maryland. Further details forthcoming.

  • SAVE THE DATE: IOOS/ESIP Biological Data Standards Workshop, July 13, 2020, Burlington, VT:  This Biological Data Standards workshop, sponsored by the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (US IOOS) in partnership with ESIP, OBIS and BCO-DMO, invites participation from data providers and data managers across the marine community. See more in the “Upcoming Events with IOOS Participation” section below.

    • Manual for Real-Time Oceanographic Data Quality Update: During the next few months we’ll be updating the Manual for Real-Time Oceanographic Data Quality Control Flags (see This manual was last updated in 2017. In addition to adding definitions and checking web links, we look forward to incorporating feedback from those who have been implementing QARTOD QC tests. While the basic flagging scheme will still match the IOC standard published in 2013 (, we expect to be able to clarify descriptions and improve the usefulness of the document. Your thoughts would be welcomed! Send them at any time to Mark.

    • Ocean Best Practice System update: One may hesitate to lay claim to a “best” practice, thinking there may be a better method elsewhere, or created tomorrow. But the OBPS defines a best practice as “a methodology that has repeatedly produced superior results relative to other methodologies with the same objective.” The OBPS goal is to document today’s practices to help create better ones. If we’re to learn from our mistakes, documenting failed practices can be equally beneficial to the creation of new best practices. So don’t let the word “best” prevent you from contributing to the OBPS repository ( For example: we all know oranges make good, inexpensive drifting buoys. But Cheerios are even cheaper, why not use them? Here’s why - every seagull within a mile arrives and the Cheerios are gone in a minute. Don’t use Cheerios.

Modeling and Analysis Subsystem (IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Derrick Snowden,   

  • Modeling and Prediction Workshop - June 2020: A Workshop on Modeling, Prediction, and Sensor Networks for Coastal Flooding in the US East Coast will be held at George Mason University in Washington, D.C. June 8-9, 2020. The goal of the workshop is to bring together several groups that are working on quantitative frameworks for monitoring and predicting coastal flooding along the coasts of the US East Coast and draft a strategy for advancing an integrated modeling system for coastal flooding that includes the ocean, atmosphere, land, and urban infrastructure components. Our ultimate goal is to map the synergies for co-designing a US East Coast Flooding Monitoring and Prediction Knowledge to Action Network (Coastal-FMAP-KAN). Please register to the workshop mailing list:

Interagency and International Collaboration/News:

  • Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) (IOOS PO POC Gabrielle Canonico,

    • MBON team discusses Omics and other collaborations with AOML, IOOS at Ocean Sciences:MBON PIs and team members met with AOML/Chris Kelble and IOOS Director Carl Gouldman on February 17 at the Ocean Sciences Meeting.  All MBON projects are coordinating their Omics activities - including methods development and applications - and are working to further expand existing partnerships.  Towards that end, MBON partners are: active in development of an IOOS Alliance for Coastal Technologies workshop scheduled for June 24-25 in Moss Landing, CA; working with AOML/Kelly Goodwin to provide input to the NOAA Omics implementation plan; and discussing opportunities to link Omics with remote sensing observations and products such as the MBON Seascapes being produced by CoastWatch.  The team is also interested in integrating Omics with animal telemetry and in situ observations including those from Imaging Flow Cytobot and optical sensors to better describe biological community structure. The MBON team has agreed to a meeting of all 6 MBON projects and teams, to be hosted by AOML in Miami February 1-3, 2021 - other interested partners are encouraged to attend [POC:].

  • NOAA Collects Critical Data to Aid in Hurricane Resilience: In the wake of severe storms over the last few years, Congress appropriated disaster relief funds to support “flood mitigation, disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure.” Congress tasked NOAA with collecting critical data in areas impacted by each hurricane. Over the next three years, more than one hundred temporary water level gauges will be installed to create decision support tools. Read more about these activities here:

  • NOAA 2020 Spring High Tide Bulletin Now Available: There are some factors that cause the tides to be higher than what is "normally" seen from day to day. View the bulletin to see when you may experience higher than normal high tides for the period of time between March and May 2020. 

  • NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey Connects with the Community: Over the past week, OCS employees across the country engaged with partners, product users, and future hydrographers at the elementary to graduate school level. Engaging with stakeholders at boat shows and regional meetings offers an opportunity to showcase and receive feedback about OCS products and to better understand customer needs. This information shapes OCS product development, delivery, and communications. As part of this effort, OCS continues to communicate plans to sunset raster charts and seek public feedback on the NOAA Custom Chart tool. Contact:

  • NGS Marks 40 Years of Crowdsourced Data Collection: NGS is celebrating 40 years as a pioneer in the field of crowdsourced data collection. In 1980, NGS published the first NGS Bluebook, establishing procedures for the public to send geodetic survey data to NGS for quality assurance inspection and analysis. Today, all it takes is a smartphone to submit updates to NGS records with new photos and upgraded directions, maps, and mark descriptions. As part of a 21st-century approach to crowdsourcing, a more user-friendly, streamlined, and efficient data ingestion program, called the Online Positioning User Service, provides access to NGS's robust analysis and review workflows. In addition, the GPS on Bench Marks program uses online maps and progress dashboards to facilitate gathering and applying geodetic data for the benefit of the nation. For more information, contact: Galen Scott, 

  • NOAA teams up with Viking to conduct and share science aboard new Great Lakes expedition voyages: NOAA plans to expand its research in the Great Lakes region as the agency teams up with the travel company Viking to carry scientists aboard new expedition voyages planned to begin in 2022. As part of the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, NOAA scientists will join Viking expeditions in the Great Lakes to conduct research focused on changes in the region’s weather, climate, ecosystems and maritime heritage resources. NOAA scientists will also serve on the Viking Scientific Advisory Committee. Read more here.

  • Submit Nominations For NOAA Ocean Exploration Advisory Board By March 30: NOAA is soliciting applications to fill up to six membership vacancies on the Ocean Exploration Advisory Board (OEAB). The new OEAB members will serve initial three-year terms, renewable once. Submit application materials by March 30, 2020 to Christa Rabenold via mail or email. For further information contact David McKinnie, OEAB Designated Federal Officer, NOAA/OER (

  • Save the date! OTN 2020 Symposium: Please save the date for the 2020 Ocean Tracking Network Symposium taking place from June 2-5, in Halifax, N.S. The OTN Symposium will begin on the evening of June 2, accompanied by three full days of workshops, discussions and presentations from June 3-5. Topics and activities to include next-generation problem solving and integration, international and national telemetry collaborations, integrating different knowledge systems, cross-project synthesis and publication, best practices and lessons learned: data and field, student presentations, and poster sessions. 

  • SOOS Seeking Nominations: The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) is seeking nominations for a number of leadership roles in support of facilitating and enhancing global Southern Ocean observations into the future. They are seeking nominations for their Scientific Steering Committee, for The Ross Sea Regional Working Group (Ross RWG), and for the Southern Ocean Indian Sector Regional Working Group (SOIS RWG). They have also issued a call for participants for the the Observing System Design Working Group

  • Grants & Funding Opportunities

    • 2020 American Lobster Research Program Funding Opportunity Now Open: This program will support research to address critical gaps in knowledge about how the American Lobster and its fishery is being impacted by environmental change. Pending appropriation of funds, Sea Grant anticipates awarding between five to ten research projects totaling between $1 million and $2 million dollars in FY2020. Projects must have a maximum duration of two years. Questions about the competition should be sent to Formal Notice of Funding Opportunity on Closes March 19, 2020.

    • Coral Restoration Projects in Honor of Dr. Ruth Gates: As part of our efforts to restore resilient coral ecosystems, NOAA is announcing the availability of approximately $500,000 in funding for coral restoration in 2020. The competition is in direct response to the recently completed National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine study on Interventions to Increase the Resilience of Coral Reefs. This is the first competition under the new Ruth Gates Coral Restoration Innovation Grants. Proposals are due by 3/20/2020. More information and how to apply here.

    • DARPA BAA: This BAA invites proposers to submit innovative basic or applied research concepts in the following technical domains: Frontiers in Math, Computation & Design; Limits of Sensing & Sensors; Complex Social Systems; Anticipating Surprise. The research topics of interest within each domain are described in the BAA. Closes June 12, 2020.

Delivering the Benefits:

  • New Wave Forecasts for Saipan, Tinian, Aguijan, and Rota: Two new high-resolution wave model grids are now available for the islands of Saipan, Tinian, and Aguijan, as well as for the island of Rota in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. See more on these upgrades in the latest PacIOOS newsletter!

  • February 2020 Sargassum Outlook available: The February 2020 Sargassum Outlook for the Caribbean is now available.  Read more here.


  • IOOS Act Update: No update.


  • SECOORA 2020 Data Challenge: Using High Frequency Radar to Meet User Needs: SECOORA has announced their 2020 data challenge, a competition to turn high frequency radar data into a tool or product that tackles real-world questions and curiosities. Proposals due April 8!  Learn more and how to compete here

  • CARICOOS workshop at the Tri Beta Society of UPR Cayey: Continuing efforts to increase stakeholder understanding of the correct use of coastal weather data, CARICOOS hosted a Waves Workshop for the Honorary Society of Biology BBB (Tri-Beta) of UPR Cayey campus which included a detailed description of the services, tools, and products available on the website. Visit the CARICOOS site for more.

  • GCOOS BoD Nominations extended! Nominations for the GCOOS Board of Directors will close at 5 p.m. (CST), Friday, March 6th, 2020. The Board seeks colleagues interested in and committed to working within an organization dedicated to providing data, information and products to the Gulf of Mexico stakeholder community. You can nominate someone or self-nominate. Terms are for three years. Learn more on the GCOOS site.

  • NANOOS at Curiosity Expo: Climate Change at the Pacific Science Center: NANOOS was again invited to participate in the annual Curiosity Expo: Climate Change at the Pacific Science Center on 28 Feb - 1 March. The NANOOS Outreach team demonstrated how the NVS Climatology App can be used to track oceanographic conditions and compare with data from previous years. This outreach revealed that most participants were not aware what a marine heat wave is and that there are data and visualizations of anomalies freely available on-line to monitor such conditions.

  • NANOOS Keeping People Safe: Rachel Wold represented NANOOS at the Saltwater Sportsmen's Show in Salem, OR on Feb 22-23, an annual tradeshow for commercial and recreational Oregon fishers. This year's event saw record breaking numbers with over 2000 attendees on Saturday alone, and both the table and presentation on the NVS Tuna Fishers, SeaCast, and Boaters applications were very well received. Almost 100 people sought Rachel's talk at 0815 on a Sunday that's interest!  After Paul Rudell's presentation at the Seattle Boat Show in January, the Queen City Yacht Club in Seattle, WA invited NANOOS to engage with it's members. Rachel Wold presented the NVS Boaters App at a monthly meeting on Feb 26, with nearly 100 members in attendance.

  • IOOS in the News:

    • “Habitat compression and ecosystem shifts as potential links between marine heatwave and record whale entanglements,” Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 536 (2020) (MBON supported project), 01/27/2020

Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation:

  • GCOOS Members Meeting, 2 April 2020, New Orleans, LA: Registration is now open for GCOOS’ annual Members Meeting in New Orleans. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Michelle Heupel, Director of Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System. View the preliminary agenda & register.

  • CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: 2020 MTS Buoy Workshop: The 2020 MTS Buoy Workshop will be held April 13-16, 2020 in Wilmington, NC. We gather to discuss updates on past and present projects (and future), offshore in the deep and shallow water environments, bays, estuaries, ports and harbors and what we expect for the future of buoy and mooring applications. This year’s theme is “Moored Systems for the Future.” Areas and topics will include, but are not limited to: Ecosystems Monitoring, Long-Term Observing System, Reliability & Harsh Environments, Power Systems, Data, Sensors & Instrumentation, and Mooring Design.  Abstracts and exhibitor applications are due February 28. Early bird registration ends Friday, January 31 and regular registration is available through April 16. Registration and more details found here:

  • Save the Date! CARICOOS General Assembly, 28 April 2020, Ponce, PR: Registration and more information coming soon!

  • MARACOOS Annual Meeting, 14 May 2020, Baltimore, MD: The MARACOOS 2020 Annual Meeting is coming up on Thursday, May 14, 2020, in Baltimore, MD preceded by an evening networking reception on May 13. A major focus of this year’s meeting will be to seek your input and refinements to the MARACOOS Strategic Plan --- a Plan that will be under development with all of you in the Mid-Atlantic ocean and coastal community in the months leading up to the Annual Meeting.  Join individuals from the private sector, non-profit sector, academia, and government as we come together to discuss the goals and strategies for the future of ocean and coastal observing in the Mid-Atlantic region. Register for the meeting here

  • Save the Date!  SECOORA Annual Meeting, 18 – 19 May 2020, St. Petersburg, FL: More info coming soon!

  • IAGLR 2020: Focusing on the Future, 8 – 12 June 2020, Winnipeg, Manitoba: The International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) 63rd annual conference is accepting abstracts until Friday, January 24. GLOS is leading the following sessions:

    • #25 The role of observations, base data and models in the new GLOS tech platform

    • #26 GLOS: Lakebed 2030 - building a better basemap

    • #27 Map the Great Lakes to understand underwater habitats

For more information and registration (when open) click here.

  • Save the Date!  2020 DMAC Meeting, 16 – 19 June 2020, Silver Spring, MD : IOOS is pleased to announce that the 2020 DMAC Meeting will take place Tuesday, June 16 to Friday, June 19, in Silver Spring, Maryland. Further details forthcoming.

  • SAVE THE DATE: IOOS/ESIP Biological Data Standards Workshop, July 13, 2020, Burlington, VT:  This Biological Data Standards workshop, sponsored by the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (US IOOS) in partnership with ESIP, OBIS and BCO-DMO, invites participation from data providers and data managers across the marine community. The workshop will be designed to alternate between working sessions with all participants and hands-on sessions on topics including: 

    • Data Standard and Stewardship Best practices 

    • Vocabularies and ontologies 

    • Shared technology, shared knowledge and knowledge transfer 

    • Development of methodologies 

    • More about the workshop: Hands-on work around data transformation and management processes Scientific observations of marine biodiversity and biology are essential for effective conservation of ocean species. These observations are collected at great cost, and are fundamental to advance scientific understanding of life in the sea. Marine ecological data are complex and heterogeneous, and there are unique methods and approaches to their collection, curation, sharing and distribution. To allow these observations to be reused for scientific, pedagogical and policy purposes, they need to be managed and well-described using standardized methods and formats. There is a pressing need in the marine community for standardized approaches to integrate biological data at local, regional, and global scales. This applies to observations spanning genetic to population data types, and across space and time. Major global databases such as OBIS and GBIF rely on Darwin Core, Ecological Metadata Language, and the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) to help manage taxonomic information. The observing community, focused on abiotic data collections, evolved to leverage netCDF and climate and forecast conventions, while the biological research and applications communities have traditionally operated outside of common standards; this landscape makes it difficult to assess the status and trends of critical indicators of living marine resources and ecosystem services. 

  • National Coastal and Estuarine Summit, Providence RI on Oct 4-8, 2020 - Call for Proposals Open: Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) and the Coastal States Organization (CSO) proudly present the 2020 National Coastal and Estuarine Summit, which will bring together the coastal restoration and management communities for an integrated discussion exploring issues, solutions, and lessons learned in their work. The Summit will provide timely and much needed attention to the challenges and opportunities for coastal and estuarine restoration and management. It will bring together a unique blend of people who are involved in policy, science, strategy, business, and on-the-ground restoration and management.Call for Proposals: Presentations, Sessions, and Posters - Oral Presentation Submittal Deadline: April 3, 2020, Poster Submittal Deadline: July 17, 2020. More info:

Other Upcoming Meetings: 

  • International Indian Ocean Science Conference (IIOSC2020), 16 – 20 March 2020, Goa, India: More info available:  The International Indian Ocean Science Conference (IIOSC 2020) sponsored by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, will be held from 16-20 March 2019 in Dona Paula, Goa, India. The conference aims to not only act as a multi-disciplinary showcase of Indian Ocean oceanic and coupled climatic research in general, but will provide the opportunity to specifically present research resulting from the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) (2015-2020) and so act as a platform for the recently proclaimed extension of IIOE-2 out to at least 2025.

  • Save the Date! 2020 OTN Symposium, 2 – 5 June 2020, Halifax, N.S.: The OTN Symposium will begin on the evening of June 2, accompanied by three full days of workshops, discussions and presentations from June 3-5. Registration and more details forthcoming.

  • Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2020: Biodiversity, 9 – 11 June, 2020, Washington, DC: More information and registration (when open) is available on the CHOW website.

  • EMODnet 2nd Open Conference and Jamboree - Save-the-date: 22-25 September 2020: Five years after the first edition, we are delighted to announce the organisation of the second EMODnet Open Conference (22-23 September 2020) and Jamboree (23-25 September 2020). During the event, EMODnet partners, communicators and data providers and users will take stock of EMODnet achievements over the past 10 years, connect across stakeholder communities and set goals for the future. To start the week, the EMODnet Open Conference will focus on use cases and requirements for developing essential open marine data services for blue economy actors, the public sector, civil society and the research community. More details will follow soon.

Job & Internship Opportunities:

  • Executive Director, NERACOOS: The key roles of the Executive Director are to lead, manage, and inspire staff, principal investigators, partners, and board members to collectively sustain and improve a regional ocean observing system that is responsive to the information needs of the Northeast. The Executive Director is the principal spokesperson for the organization and will travel extensively to represent NERACOOS locally, nationally, and occasionally internationally, and to provide regional leadership and guidance.  Click here for more info and to apply:

  • Postdoc position: Biogeochemical Modeling in the Gulf of Alaska: Join the Hauri Lab’s Ocean Acidification and Inorganic carbon Dynamics Team at the International Arctic Research Center to study the influence of freshwater and large-scale climate drivers on the Gulf of Alaska inorganic carbon and nutrient dynamics. The position will involve analyzing a 40 year long hindcast simulation, improving the biogeochemical model based on new field observations, data-model comparison, and publishing. The collaborative and inclusive environment at the International Arctic Research Center and within Alaska’s EPSCoR project “Fire and Ice”, which funds this position, will create opportunities to establish a career building and interdisciplinary science network. Click here for more info and to apply! Review of applications will start March 15, 2020.

Click here to view the IOOS Association Calendar

Do you have suggestions for new things you would like to see in the Eyes on the Ocean IOOS Bi-Weekly? Contact us at:

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