The Eyes on the Ocean™ Bi-weekly is an informal way of keeping you up-to-date on U.S. IOOS® activities.
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- From the Director
- From the U.S. IOOS Office
- Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies
- DMAC Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data
- Modeling and Analysis Subsystem
- Interagency and International Collaboration/News
- Delivering the Benefits
- Congressional
- Communications/Outreach
- Upcoming Meetings
- Job & Internship Opportunities
From the Director:
IOOS Community,
With Thanksgiving upon us, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the past year and thank our staff, Regional Associations, and partners who work so hard to produce, integrate, and communicate high quality ocean, coastal and Great Lakes information, improving lives and livelihoods every day and advancing ocean science for the Nation. You bring your knowledge, skills, and abilities, and your valuable time and energy to meet the needs of our nation everyday and I truly appreciate your efforts. THANK YOU!
I hope you all get to enjoy a little down time this week in ways that are safe, satisfying, relaxing, and good for you.
Best wishes,
From the U.S. IOOS Office:
- IOOS Association is Seeking Nominations for the 2021 Caraid Award: The IOOS Association created the Caraid Award in 2020 as an annual award to recognize those who have made outstanding contributions to observing and understanding our oceans, coasts and Great Lakes through vision, leadership, friendship and collaboration. The word “Caraid” is a Scottish Gaelic word, meaning “care" or "love” and is pronounced like “courage.” These are the attributes - caring and the courage to do what matters - that makes IOOS work. The first recipient of the award was Dr. Ru Morrison whose Scottish heritage and collaborative nature inspired us to learn about Caraid, not only as a word, but also as an ethos he brings to all of his work. Nominations for the 2021 CARAID award are now open through December 11, 2020. Candidates can be an individual, a group, or an organization that has contributed to observing and understanding the oceans, coasts, and/or Great Lakes through collaboration, innovation, and/or a commitment to working with stakeholders. Click here to learn more and submit a nomination.
Observation Subsystem and Sensor Technologies:
- Surface Current Mapping: (IOOS Surface Currents Program Manager, Brian Zelenke,
- HFR Community and Wind Turbine Interference Mitigation: In addition to answering questions submitted by the oceanographic high-frequency radar (HFR) community, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) has replied with questions of their own. A discussion of responses in the context of HFR WTRIM research & development is ongoing. If you know someone who would like to join in this discussion to synergize oceanographic HFR and offshore wind energy operations, please contact Surface Currents Program Manager Brian Zelenke at
- 11th Radiowave Operators Working Group (ROWG) Workshop: Thank you to all who attended the 11th international oceanographic/liminographic Radiowave Operators Working Group (ROWG) workshop’s first virtual meeting November 17–18, 2020! Recordings of the meeting and copies of its presentations are available at (an account to the ROWG website is required for access, and this registration is available for free by clicking “Create account” at Anyone interested in continuing discussion of the topics presented at this meeting is encouraged to e-mail Surface Currents Program Manager Brian Zelenke ( who will coordinate with the ROWG organizing committee (viz. [in alphabetical order] Tom Cook, Brian Emery, Lisa Hazard, Mike Muglia, Mark Otero, Hugh Roarty, Trip Taylor, Teresa Updyke, and Brian Zelenke).
- Gliders (IOOS POC LCDR Benjamin LaCour,; Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) POC Bill Lingsch,; Click here to join UG2:
- Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) Update: A huge thanks and welcome to all that have joined theUnderwater Glider User Group (UG2). The overarching goal of UG2 is to establish a glider community that facilitates sharing and cooperation within the areas of ocean monitoring, operational reliability, and data management. This includes:
- Glider and sensor technology,
- Scientific and operational accomplishments,
- Approaches to logistical and operational challenges,
- Methods for data management, quality control, formats, and distribution, and
- Opportunities for sharing gliders when feasible.
- UG2 Webinar Series: We will kick off UG2 with a Webinar Series on December 9th, 2PM EST. The agenda topics will include (flyer and link will be forthcoming):
- NOAA Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division (AERD) Glider Operations
- IOOS/Partners 2020 Hurricane Glider Efforts
- UG2 Glider Website Demonstration
- For those that have not yet joined UG2 and are interested please use the below link to register:
- 2021 Glider Training: The University of Southern Mississippi is planning 2021 sessions for the undergraduate Unmanned Maritime Systems Certificate Tier 1 and Tier 2 programs. The Tier 1 course is scheduled for March 15-April 16 in-person in Gulfport, with a maximum capacity of 15 students. The Tier 2 course is scheduled for a glider field project in Gulfport in October and November with a maximum capacity of 10 students. (Dates to be designated, but will coincide with the second half of the fall semester.). The Tier 1 program is normally a prerequisite to the Tier 2. Read the curricula flyer here and read more about the program.
- Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) (National Coordinator Bill Woodward,
- AniBOS Poster presented at World Meteorological Organization Data Conference: On behalf of the international Animal Borne Ocean Sensor (AniBOS) Network the ATN presented a virtual poster in slide form on Nov. 18 describing the emerging GOOS AniBOS Network. The slides are available at under the Meetings tab.
- AniBOS Virtual Kickoff Meeting Convened on Nov. 18 & 19: The meeting was convened by Clive McMahon (Australia) and Fabien Roquet (Sweden), co-Chairs of the AniBOS Steering Committee, 45 participants from 11 countries joined and we conducted focus group discussions on 5 specific categories: Real-time Data Flow, Delayed-mode Products, Animal Welfare and Handling, Funding Opportunities and Data Management. AniBOS has defined several governance committees and the meeting began the process of identifying candidate members for them. Committee member elections are planned for December.
- Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) (IOOS PO POC Gabrielle Canonico,
- Arctic MBON and Distributed Biological Observatory Teams Observe Late Season Effects during COVID-delayed Arctic research cruise: The AMBON and DBO cruise began much later this year than usual - having been delayed from a summer start due to COVID-19. After an early look at the data, the team noted ‘effects of oceanic heat that extend further into the fall and early winter’. Read the quick update published by University of Alaska Fairbanks here:
Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) Subsystem and Tools Built on IOOS data (DMAC System Architect Micah Wengren and IOOS Data Management leads:, or the 'ioos_tech' listserve:
- QARTOD (National Coordinator Mark Bushnell,
- Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of Water Level Data Update: We continue to solicit input for the update of the Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of Water Level Data. This manual was selected for an update because of the importance of water level due to sea level rise, storm inundation, and the proliferation of contracted private sector deployments. See the present manual at and let us know how it might be improved.
- Ocean Best Practice System: In addition to nearly 1200 items in the OBPS repository at (papers, manuals, even training videos), there’s the monthly newsletter. Subscribe by emailing or find the issues at Consider contributing a short article describing a best practice and highlighting a project at the same time.
Modeling and Analysis Subsystem (IOOS PO and IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) POC – Tracy Fanara,
Mark Your Calendars - Ocean Visions 2021 Summit: The next Summit will be held on the campus of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography between May 18-20, 2021. We anticipate having three satellite campuses virtually linked in Australia, South Africa, and Germany. Details to follow. The summit is being planned as "in-person" on all campuses with the ability to also participate virtually thanks to our partner the American Geophysical Union (AGU). Please save the date and sign-up for updates, we will soon release a draft Program & Agenda and share the link on social media. Join the Ocean Visions Network here:
Interagency and International Collaboration/News:
UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development: Call For Decade Actions No. 01/2020 Now Open! The vision of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development is ‘the science we need for the ocean we want’. To achieve the Ocean Decade vision, a wide range of partners will implement endorsed Decade Actions in the form of programmes, projects or activities over the next ten years. Proponents of endorsed Decade Actions will have the opportunity to join a highly visible, shared, global effort that builds on decades of achievement in ocean science. There will be opportunities to create new collaborations across disciplines, geographies and generations, as well as opportunities to access new sources of support. Via this first ‘Call for Decade Actions’, partners are invited to request endorsement under the Ocean Decade for transformative Decade Actions that contribute to the Ocean Decade vision. Interested parties should complete and submit the relevant online “Request for Endorsement” before 15 January 2021. This Call for Decade Actions is the first of series that will launched as part of the Ocean Decade and it focuses specifically on:
i. large-scale, multi-country, transformative Decade programmes; and
ii. large-scale contributions of in-kind or financial resources for Decade Actions or coordination costs.
Save the date! Ocean Obs RCN Ocean Decade Actions Networking Workshop - December 4, 2020: The OceanObs RCN invites groups that plan to request endorsement for proposed ‘Decade Actions’ (Programmes and Contributions) to share summaries of these proposals during an online workshop, and engage in a dialogue with other groups to find synergies, potential collaborations, and advance their ideas. Two sessions are envisioned to accommodate participants from around the globe:
December 4: 01:00 UTC (
December 4: 16:00 UTC (
Each session will be two hours. An agenda for the two hours will be available the third week of November. Please register for the meeting here:
U.S. EPA's Beach Report: 2019 Swimming Season: EPA has released its Beach Report: 2019 Swimming Season, which summarizes beach closings and advisories from the 2019 swimming season. The beach report relies on information that states, territories, and tribes with coastal and Great Lakes beaches submitted to the agency. For example, 40 percent of the nation’s beaches with active monitoring programs on U.S. coasts and along the Great Lakes had at least one advisory or closing, and nationwide monitored beaches were open and safe for swimming 92 percent of the time in 2019. In addition, EPA has updated and enhanced its online tools, including the Beaches Advisory and Closure Online Notification (BEACON) system, to provide up-to-date and tailored information to the public. One tool, the Dynamic National Report Generator, produces reports for any year since 2014 using the most recent data, which may have been updated after EPA finalized the annual reports. Other tools include customized reports and trend graphs that show similar information at the state and local level.
View the 2019 beach report and access BEACON:
Access EPA’s new Dynamic National Report Generator:
Generate custom data reports and trend graphs at the state and local level:
NOAA’s Newest Story Map – Probing the Unknown: This year, NOAA expanded partnerships that will accelerate NOAA science and our understanding of the deep ocean. Using state of the art technologies, these collaborations offer the promise of shared discoveries that will educate, protect the marine environment, and enrich our lives. NOAA’s newest story map, Probing the Unknown, shines a light on NOAA's amazing deep sea activities with its partners. IOOS and CARICOOS Gliders are featured in the story map. Dive in!
Meeting of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Science Advisory Board: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Science Advisory Board’s (SAB) 69th annual meeting took place during the last week of October. The two-day meeting covered a myriad of topics relating to NOAA research and operations; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) planning and objectives; the U.N. Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development; and NOAA project implementation. RDML Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D. (Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Deputy Administrator, NOAA) shared recent advancements in NOAA weather and environmental forecasting capabilities and announced the creation of two separate strategies: one to prevent the stony coral tissue loss disease and another between NOAA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other federal agencies to combat marine litter. Read more here:
Capt. Rick Brennan Selected as Next OCS Director: Acting NOAA Administrator Dr. Neil Jacobs announced that Captain Rick Brennan was selected as the next OCS director. The change of command from RDML Smith to Captain Brennan is expected in early March. He will be the 31st leader of the office since the first superintendent of OCS, Ferdinand R. Hassler, was appointed in 1816. In his new role, Captain Brennan will oversee NOAA's charts and ocean mapping efforts, ushering in the next generation of navigational products and services for mariners who need integrated delivery of coastal intelligence data. Captain Brennan has served the NOAA Corps and nautical charting community for nearly 27 years. In addition to his tours at sea with the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations, where he served on nearly every hydrographic ship in the NOAA fleet, he has worked in three of the four divisions within OCS.
CO-OPS, OCM Collaborate on High Tide Flooding Congressional Briefing: CO-OPS and OCM collaborated with NOS headquarters to organize a briefing for all congressional staffers on high tide flooding. The briefing was moderated by NOS Acting Assistant Administrator Nicole LeBoeuf, and was the third in a series of coastal resilience briefings that NOS has conducted since last spring. This briefing educated Capitol Hill staffers on how NOAA tracks high tide flooding and how communities use the information to plan for near-term and future flooding scenarios. The briefing included an overview of this year’s State of High Tide Flooding and Annual Outlookand some of the tools that NOAA has available to help communities understand their flood risk. Officials from outside of NOAA stressed their reliance on NOAA science and data for making sea level rise planning and funding decisions in their communities.
NGS Collects Emergency Response Imagery for Damage Assessment of Hurricane Zeta: On October 29, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) collected aerial damage assessment images in the aftermath of Hurricane Zeta. NGS flight crews collected images in specific areas identified by NOAA in coordination with FEMA and other state and federal partners. The crew flew over more than 6,770 square kilometers during 13.5 hours and collected 8,605 images. NOAA’s aerial imagery aids safe navigation and captures damage to coastal areas caused by a storm. Aerial imagery is a crucial tool to determine the extent of the damage inflicted by flooding, and to assess the damage to major ports and waterways, coastlines, critical infrastructure, and coastal communities. This imagery provides a cost-effective way to better understand the damage sustained to both property and the environment.
Workshop To Identify National Ocean Exploration Priorities in the Pacific Report Now Available: The Consortium for Ocean Leadership recently released a summary report for the 2020 Workshop to Identify National Ocean Exploration Priorities in the Pacific, which was organized in partnership with NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER). The report provides NOAA OER, and others in the ocean exploration community, with a road map for exploration activities primarily in the U.S. Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone. It is a compilation of the broad sharing of expertise by individuals from across government, academia, industry, and other private organizations. The discussions centered around five thematic breakout topics: seafloor, biology, and water column characterizations, in addition to marine resources and cultural heritage. Key findings support the need for collaborative, national-scale ocean exploration to fill information gaps, accomplish high-priority goals, and support U.S. national interests. The full report is available on the COL Ocean Exploration Website, in addition to other workshop and background materials.
webODV - Your new favourite Tool for Online Exploration and Extraction of EMODnet Chemistry Data: Our oceans are changing at a rapid pace. Waters are warming. Carbon concentrations are rising. Fertilizers and contaminants are finding their way into the sea, and litter is now found everywhere, not only along beaches, but also in the ocean interior and on the sea floor. Scientists all around the world are busy collecting data to document and understand these changes, and many international projects, such as EMODnet Chemistry, are working hard aggregating all the data into harmonized, global integrated datasets. These datasets are urgently needed to investigate the changes on regional and global scales. Making these large datasets easily accessible to a wide user community is a challenging task, but absolutely necessary to maximize the utility of the data and justify the immense costs of data acquisition and aggregation. The new online webODV tool, developed at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, Germany - as a partner in EMODnet Chemistry, addresses this challenge and provides a huge step forward.
Grants & Funding Opportunities:
RFP to fill regional product and observational gaps: SECOORA is soliciting proposals focused on filling product and/or observational gaps defined in the Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System Strategic Operational Plan 2020 – 2025. This document presents the SECOORA priorities for contributing to our improved understanding, management, and stewardship of valuable coastal ocean resources. Proposals are due November 30, 2020 at 5 PM ET. Access the Operational Plan and find out more about the RFP here.
Knauss Fellowship Opportunity Now Open! The notice of federal funding opportunity for the 2022 Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship is now open. The fellowship provides a one-year, paid experience for highly-qualified early career professionals to work on issues related to coastal, marine and Great Lakes science and policy in offices within the executive or legislative branch of government in Washington, D.C. Graduate students interested in marine science policy should explore the information about the fellowship as soon as possible and talk to their local Sea Grant program (or the National Sea Grant Office) at least one month prior to the February 19, 2021 deadline. Learn more about becoming a Knauss Fellow and Read the official opportunity on
NOAA Sea Grant & Ocean Acidification Program Funding Opportunity: Shellfish Aquaculture Partnerships: The National Sea Grant Office and the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program are funding a joint competition to fund proposals that seek to establish, continue, and/or expand collaborations between researchers and the shellfish aquaculture industry. Specifically, applications to this competition should utilize new or existing research/industry partnerships to study how ocean and coastal acidification in combination with other stressors impacts shellfish aquaculture. Applications must include at least one researcher and one shellfish grower acting as co-Principal Investigators, and the proposed work must utilize a co-production of knowledge framework. Read the formal announcement on NOAA-OAR-SG-2021-2006704. An informational webinar will be held in November, date to be announced. Letters of Intent due December 15, 2020 via email ( Full proposals due March 16, 2021 via This information is also available at
Delivering the Benefits:
NANOOS Leadership Invited to Serve on Canadian IOOS (CIOOS) Regional Oversight Committee: Jan Newton (NANOOS) was invited to be on the Regional Oversight Committee (ROC) for CIOOS Pacific. CIOOS Pacific, directed by Denis D'Amor, involves many NANOOS members, including U Vic, ONC, and Hakai. NANOOS has enjoyed their participation at their GC meetings over the years. Jan had the pleasure to attend the recent ROC meeting on 4 November where strategies for sustaining ocean observing systems were discussed. IOOS appreciates our connections with our Canadian colleagues and continued knowledge exchange and collaboration. We look forward to ongoing successes by CIOOS and will work to offer support as we can.
2020 USVI Hurricane Gliders Update: OCOVI has shared a 2020 Hurricane Glider work summary for the U.S. Virgin Islands. Check it out here.
NERACOOS Mariners' Dashboard adds OOI data: The Mariners’ Dashboard, our newly-launched ocean data interface, now includes data from three of the Ocean Observatories Initiative's Coastal Pioneer Array buoys. You might've missed them because these buoys aren't on our regular ol’ map, so head to mariners.neracoos.orgto see what they’re serving up.
Winterized buoy deployed off the WA coast: On September 28, a team from UW redeployed the winter version of the Cha'Ba buoy 15 miles off of La Push, WA. This tougher winter model is better equipped to weather winter storms while continuing to record oceanographic conditions, including temperature, salinity, oxygen, pH, pCO2, chlorophyll, and weather variables. Winter data is recorded rather than telemetered, but mooring history and other details are available through NVS. The team also redeployed a Seaglider near the Cha'Ba buoy to replace one lost in 2016. This La Push Seaglider complements the mooring based monitoring along the coast by adding a spatial component to the point measurements to help in understanding ocean processes such as El Nino, the “blob” and coastal upwelling.
State Ferry Reveals Ocean Acidification Conditions in SE AK: The Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) ferry Columbia has been collecting ocean acidification data since late October 2017 during its ~1,600 km route between southeast Alaska and Bellingham, WA. In southeast Alaska the ferry transits between Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, Juneau, Haines, Skagway, and Sitka, collecting measurements of temperature, salinity, oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2) content every 2 minutes while underway. More than 290,000 measurements have been collected during 135 transits during the project’s first two years. 2019 also brought a new collaboration to this project, as Yui Takashita from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute teamed up with project lead Wiley Evans (Hakai Institute) to directly measure seawater pH and nitrate concentrations. Read more about the findings so far in the AOOS Winter newsletter!
Successful glider mission in PNW: Through a NANOOS-supported partnership between Oregon State University (OSU), the Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) and the Quinault Indian Nation, an underwater glider completed a 15-day mission this fall to map ocean properties near Grays Harbor, Washington. The success of the mission was set up by IOOS funds that allowed for the revival and testing by the OSU glider research group of a CRITFC glider that had gone unused for many years.
Sargassum Bulletin and Report Ready: The November 2020 Sargassum Sub-Regional Bulletin and the Experimental Weekly Sargassum Inundation Report for November 10 – 16 are now available.
- No update.
Smart Great Lakes Initiative Names Co-chairs: Smart Great Lakes Initiative teams are getting down to work discussing priorities and deciding on content for the common strategy document. Leading the charge on each team are two co-chairs—one from Canada, and one from the United States. Kelli Paige, Executive Director GLOS has been named as the co-chair of the Leadership Team.
IOOS Enterprise in the News:
Hurricanes Blow, But Our Forecasting Sucks: A Lesson In Cross-Organizational Collaboration (IOOS, RAs), Forbes, 11/16/2020
Upcoming Meetings with IOOS Participation (Please check links as we move forward as things may change quickly for planned events):
- 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 7-11, 2020, Virtual: The 2020 AGU Fall Meeting will take place Dec 7-11th. For the first time ever, the conference will be “mostly virtual” meaning much broader participation is possible than in past years. Please note that AGU’s abstract submission portal is now open and accepting submissions until Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 at 11:59 pm EDT. Helpful links: AGU Fall Meeting Website: Information about abstract submission:
- The NASA Capacity Building Program is chairing two sessions focused on different aspects of capacity development of Earth observation users. As we strive to build the community of practice around skill building and capacity building of Earth observations users, we hope you will join us for these virtual sessions
- Session SY001: Addressing the Need for Earth-Observation Capacity Development at the Local, National, Regional, and Global Scales
- SY004: Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Conducting Virtual Capacity Building Activities
- NASA Capacity Building Program's Annual AGU Gathering - 12/7 8:30pm ET: It wouldn’t be an AGU Fall Meeting without the NASA Capacity Building Program Annual AGU gathering. So, despite the fact we can’t get together in person, we still want to connect with as many of you as possible in a manner to which many of us grown quite familiar: a virtual platform. Please plan to join us at the annual Capacity Building Program (CBP) AGU gathering via the platform. We will have separate breakout rooms for smaller gatherings and you can visit as many as you’d like during our 60 minute get-together. Please join us hereusing the password: 2020agu (see also location in the invite for this information). This platform is really easy to use and there is nothing to download on your computer. After you are prompted for the password, it will ask you to fill in a few fields/share a picture if you want, and then you will be in the gathering space.
- GEO at AGU Fall Meeting: As part of the upcoming 2020 AGU Fall Meeting themed “Shaping the Future of Science,” the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is supporting several key sessions and invites members from the AmeriGEO community to submit their abstracts to take part. Sessions focused on Earth observations (EO) and Capacity Development, COVID-19, the Sustainable Development Goals, and several being led by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) may be of interest and we encourage you to explore the opportunities to support these sessions. Please see all the sessions and how to participate in the following link:
- 3rd Alaska Coastal Mapping Summit - December 9-10: The 3rd Alaska Coastal Mapping Summit, a virtual event, will be held on December 9th & 10th from 9am-1pm each day. The Alaska Coastal Mapping Strategy was released earlier this year, and it’s implementation plan is under development. We want to build on our momentum and participation with agency updates, public comments, and give opportunity for project presentations and technical talks from our community. For more information contact Marta Kumle.
- 101st AMS Annual Meeting, 10–14 January 2021, New Orleans, LA: Planning is underway for an AMS EPIC session at the AMS Annual Meeting - panel discussion and then paper session hosted by EIPT, R2O, Python, AI, and HPC communities of AMS.
- Session Title: The Earth Prediction Innovation Center – Enabling a community-based approach to advance Numerical Weather Prediction
- Session Description: Congress has mandated that NOAA establish an Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) to accelerate community-developed scientific and technological advancements into the operational applications for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). The EPIC is responsible for enabling collaboration among scientists and engineers in areas important for improving operational weather prediction and for creating a community global weather research modeling system. Meeting the goals of EPIC will require the efforts of all segments of the weather enterprise. This session invites papers presenting progress to date in this initiative as well as papers presenting innovative technologies and capabilities with potential for adoption by EPIC to enable the collaborative community, establish the community modeling system, and advance operational NWP.
- Dr. DaNa Carlis has agreed to be the EIPT participant in the panel discussion.
- Abstract submissions for this session, and all AMS sessions are due 3 August. The meeting is in early January 2021. Originally scheduled to be in New Orleans, a decision on whether it will go virtual will be made soon.
- The Environmental Information Processing Technologies Conference of the American Meteorological Society would like to announce that abstract submissions are now open for the 37EIPT at the AMS Annual Meeting. General information about the 101st Annual Meeting in New Orleans may be found at Specific information about the EIPT Conference can be found at
- Save the Date! Capitol Hill Oceans Week - June 8, 2021: We are excited to share the Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2021 program with you! This year’s conference will focus on the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in sustaining a healthy ocean, coast and Great Lakes. The future of our waters depends on all people and the actions we take now will have sweeping long term impacts. Our success will require the experience, expertise, perspectives and values of the communities most affected by environmental change and quality. We invite you to take a look at the detailed conference description and themes at the CHOW 2021 webpage.
Other Upcoming Meetings:
- Save the date! ICOE 2021 - 28-30 April 2021: The International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2021) is taking place virtually 28-30 April 2021. In addition to unparalleled opportunities to network and learn from industry leaders from around the world, this event will provide a variety of forums for attendees to share advancements in ocean energy research and technology breakthroughs. Come discover how the ocean renewable energy industry is preparing to benefit the larger "Blue Economy" and the electrical grid, and identify the research needed to further advance the state of technology. Learn more here.
- SAVE THE DATE! 2nd International Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium, 25–27 May 2021, Darmstadt, Germany: The Executive Steering Committee of the 2nd International Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium, co-chaired by EUMETSAT and NOAA, is pleased to announce the next Symposium will be held in Darmstadt, Germany May 25-27, 2021. The Committee will share more information, including the meeting website and the Programme Committee members in the coming months.
- EMODnet 2nd Open Conference and Jamboree - New Dates Announced: 14–18 June 2021: The second EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree will be held the week of 14 June 2021. During the event, EMODnet partners, communicators and data providers and users will take stock of EMODnet achievements over the past 10 years, connect across stakeholder communities and set goals for the future. To start the week, the EMODnet Open Conference will focus on use cases and requirements for developing essential open marine data services for blue economy actors, the public sector, civil society and the research community. More details will follow soon.
- Atlantic International Research Centre Networking Fridays: The AIR Centre hosts a series of Webinars that take place every Friday, from 1pm to 2 pm UTC. During these Networking Fridays, researchers, technology innovators, representatives of multilateral organizations, government officials, and social entrepreneurs will present to and discuss with the audience their current work and, most importantly, explore ways of future collaboration. More info here:
- November 27th, 2020, 1-3 PM UTC: Networking Friday Thematic Special Session on Green and Blue Amazonia
- December 4th, 2020, 1-2 PM UTC: Networking Friday with Kwame Agyekum, University of Ghana, Ghana
- An Evening With Rita Colwell: Science, Sexism, And The Fight Against The Status Quo - December 2nd: The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) is excited to announce “An Evening with Rita Colwell: Science, Sexism, and the Fight against the Status Quo.” The virtual event will take place on Wednesday, December 2 from 5:00-6:00pm EST. Dr. Colwell will be discussing her new book, A Lab of One’s Own: One Woman’s Personal Journey Through Sexism in Science, and reflecting on her personal science journey in conversation with Kirk Johnson, Sant Director of the National Museum of Natural History. Colwell will share stories from her life, her favorite scientific discoveries, and how she continues to inspire the next generation of barrier challenging scientists. This program is presented in partnership with Smithsonian. You can register for the event here.
- SERIES MTS’ 2020 Virtual Symposia: An Online Series for Marine Technology Professionals: With the cancellation/postponement of a number of events in 2020 and many working from home or remotely, MTS is bringing together a series of virtual seminars of interest to the marine technology community. You are invited to attend these free, interactive symposia where you can learn about cutting-edge topics from some of the best and brightest minds working the field. Keep up with upcoming & past symposia on the MTS Events page. Upcoming webinars:
- Powering the Blue Economy Q&A Session - 12/2 - 2pm-3pm ET: Please submit questions you have about the Ocean Observing Prize - We will do our best to answer all questions during the webinar. Questions will be collected until 5pm ET on 11/30/20. Questions will also be accepted during the webinar. Register here:
- National Marine Sanctuaries Webinar Series: The National Marine Sanctuaries Webinar Series provides educators with educational and scientific expertise, resources, and training to support ocean and climate literacy in the classroom. This series currently targets formal and informal educators, students (high school through college), as well as members of the community, including families. You can also visit the archives of the webinar series to catch up on presentations you may have missed here.
- SERIES EMB launches new webinar series: The European Marine Board is launching a new webinar series, #ThirdThursdayScience, which will focus on the science underpinning the research and policy recommendations in EMB publications. The free webinars will take place on the third Thursday of each month, and will run for one hour between 13:00 - 14:00 CEST. Webinars will also be live-streamed on YouTube and will be made available to re-watch later on the EMB YouTube Channel.
- SERIES TMA BlueTech Global Connect: The BlueTech Global Connect (BGC) webinar series is designed to connect exciting BlueTech companies from around the world with potential advisors, investors and partners globally. Join in each month to hear and virtually meet 3 great BlueTech companies from various countries. You can view past presentations on the website:
Job & Internship Opportunities:
Program Associate, Ocean Observing, Consortium for Ocean Leadership: The Program Associate for Ocean Observing has a unique opportunity to support a range of ocean science, technology, and policy activities. The candidate will work with a small team in the Research & Education department focused on advancing regional, national, and international ocean observing strategies. The candidate will primarily support, and in some cases lead, various projects associated with the Interagency Ocean Observation Committee, a body composed of all U.S. Federal agencies with ocean infrastructure, assets, and data. Duties also include supporting broader community engagement efforts that integrate disparate, emerging, and proven methods for collecting, assimilating, and distributing ocean data and information. Open until closed. Click here for more information and how to apply.
Research Lab Coordinator l, Harmful Algal Blooms, Florida Gulf Coast University: The Research Laboratory Coordinator I oversees and coordinates the operation and maintenance of laboratory facilities and equipment related to the Ension Triad System. Performs all procedures necessary to maintain a safe, uninterrupted work environment in accordance to departmental and national safety guidelines. Open until closed. Click here for more information and how to apply.
Scientific Officer for the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group: Applications are invited for the position of Scientific Officer for the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG, see Applications should be submitted via email with “IOCCG Scientific Officer Position” in the subject line, to, with a copy to Dr. Cara Wilson (IOCCG Chair, Visit the IOCCG website ( to find out more about the group. For further information and how to apply, click here. Closes 30 November 2020.
NOAA's William M. Lapenta Student Internship Program now open: In recognition of the many contributions of Dr. William (Bill) Lapenta to advance NOAA science and services and his dedication to training the next generation of scientists, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established the William M. Lapenta Student Internship Program in 2019. This paid summer internship opportunity builds on the highly successful National Weather Service (NWS) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Internship which Bill created in 2017. Applications for summer 2021 close February 1. For full details and how to apply, click here.
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