NOAA Ship BELL SHIMADA during the 2010 Pacific Hake Inter-Vessel Calibration. Credit: NOAA/NMFS/WCR

NOAA Ship BELL SHIMADA during the 2010 Pacific Hake Inter-Vessel Calibration. Credit: NOAA/NMFS/WCR

The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System Office and its partners engage in a wide range of activities. The U.S. IOOS® Office is responsible for ensuring these activities are carried out in compliance with all applicable federal environmental statutes and Executive orders. Federal statutes include but are not limited to:

  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Coastal Zone Management Act
  • Endangered Species Act
  • Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
  • Marine Mammal Protection Act
  • National Marine Sanctuaries Act
  • National Historic Preservation Act

The U.S. IOOS Office is responsible for completing requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act for each proposed action.  The act and its implementing regulations at 40 CFR 1500-1508 require federal agencies to assess the environmental effects of their proposed actions prior to making decisions. If the act applies to the proposed action, the U.S. IOOS Office must determine whether to apply a Categorical Exclusion, or to prepare either an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement.

IOOS Programmatic Environmental Assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act
On August 9, 2016, NOAA announced the availability of a Programmatic Environmental Assessment for U.S. IOOS Office activities. The assessment analyzed the potential environmental impacts associated with ocean observing activities including: 

  • passive sensors and instrumentation
  • vessels (including personal watercraft) and sampling
  • autonomous underwater vehicles, gliders, and drifters
  • moorings, marine stations, buoys, and fixed arrays
  • high frequency radar
  • sonar
  • lidar

The U.S. IOOS Office prepared a Finding of No Significant Impact (June 2016) of the activities to the environmental resources within the U.S. IOOS regions (81 FR 52665). The Programmatic Environmental Assessment and associated Finding of No Significant Impact under the National Environmental Policy Act serve as a planning tool to support tiered, site-specific analyses by narrowing the spectrum of environmental impacts to focus on project-level reviews as needed.  The development of the Programmatic Environmental Assessment doesn’t preclude IOOS from developing other environmental analyses (e.g., categorical exclusion determination, supplemental environmental assessment, or environmental impact statement). The analysis for a particular action will depend upon the proposed project and its potential impacts.

For additional information on NEPA visit the NOAA NEPA website

The U.S. IOOS Office is responsible for completing requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act, but also under other federal laws for each proposed action. A list of the most common applicable federal laws and resources for complying with their requirements follow:

General mappers include the Marine Cadastre and NEPAssist.

The U.S. IOOS Office is responsible for managing the environmental review process for projects that receive financial assistance from the office. The environmental review must be completed prior to funding the proposed activities. It consists of determining the applicability of, and complying with, any applicable environmental law requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act and other federal statutes. 

Applicants are responsible for providing information requested by the U.S. IOOS Office that will assist the office in conducting the environmental review. The U.S. IOOS Office uses the Environmental Compliance Questionnaire for NOAA Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity Applicants (OMB Approval Number: 0648-0538, Expiration Date: 11/30/2024) for requesting information from applicants. The form is available at A fillable version of the form is available for download here. Please include the NOFO/RFA or award number in the file name when submitting the document. For additional information contact the IOOS Environmental Compliance Coordinator.

Once compliance requirements have been completed by the U.S. IOOS Office, the recipient will be authorized to implement the proposed project activities unless there are other law requirements and/or conditions placed on the award that would restrict those activities. Applicants for U.S. IOOS Office financial assistance are responsible for complying with all applicable local, state and federal law requirements prior to implementing activities under the award. 

For information on the current U.S. IOOS Office notices of funding opportunities visit Funding Opportunities.