IOOS is ISO Google Summer of Code mentors & projects!



Join IOOS and mentor a student for Google Summer of Code 2025

We're applying to be a Google Summer of Code mentoring organization in 2025! It will be our fourth time participating in GSoC, and to have the best chance of being accepted, we need a slate of quality project ideas and mentors from our extended DMAC community by February 10.

About the program

As a mentoring organization, IOOS will serve as a home base for mentors to work with students —"contributors” — on projects that familiarize them with open source software development.

GSoC isn't for getting assistance from a student with writing documentation or for starting new projects without pre-existing open source code. Rather, the program is designed to teach contributors about your software and project maintainer community (even if it's only you!), how to write better code, and to learn about the process of open source software development itself.

Once mentoring organizations are established, GSoC will invite new and beginner open source contributors to approach mentors that have contributed project ideas. They'll propose their own solution or design to address the problem at hand by contributing new code to the software package. Once selected, the contributors work closely with their mentors for 12 weeks in the summer, delivering final results in early fall.

On project design

The most successful GSoC project ideas involve previously-existing, open source software packages that might benefit from the addition of a new feature, capability or related application or tool, resolving a thorny bug that you don’t quite have time to address yourself as a package maintainer, or the addition of use-case examples that involve developing and publishing new code such as Jupyter notebook usage demonstrations.

Draft or initial project ideas are OK! If IOOS is accepted for the 2025 program, project ideas can be further refined until the contributor application period begins in March.

Project submission

Submit your project idea no later than February 10 by filling out this GitHub form:

Reach out to Micah (, Matt (, or Filipe ( to discuss your project ideas or with any other GSoC questions.

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